Monday, January 3, 2011

The End of the Beginning by Rick Joyner

November 04, 2010
The End of the Beginning by Rick Joyner
On November 2 the people of the United States spoke very loudly and very clearly—refuting the Obama agenda. There is reason to hope again and to expect the kind of changes that most Americans do believe in—freedom, smaller, less intrusive government, lower taxes, and sound management of the people‘s trust and resources. It was a very encouraging victory, but by no means the end of the fight—it is the beginning. Too many times Christians have seen their candidates take office, and have gone back to sleep while the slide into the moral and economic mire we are now in continued. We are too close to the precipice to let this happen again.

In Scripture and history some of the worst defeats came right after great victories. Just as Joshua took the seemingly impregnable fortress of Jericho but was then defeated by the much smaller Ai, the size of the enemy may not matter as much as the integrity of our own army. America is vulnerable right now. The movement to take back America and restore her moral and constitutional roots is also vulnerable right now.

As I wrote several years ago every future election, including mid-terms, would be more crucial than the previous one. This has proven true to date, and it will be true in the future. Even so, the biggest threats to our future will not be overcome by Washington regardless of who is in office. I had a dream recently that highlighted this.

On October 22, 2010 I dreamed I was walking through a log cabin that was the United States. Every room was a different part of the country. Small fires started breaking out in every room, which were easy to stomp out. As I started to walk to the door another fire ignited that I went over to put out. I saw that it had burned through the subfloor so I looked through it to see if I could determine what was causing these fires. The entire foundation of the house was covered in hot burning coals. I knew the house was about to go up into flames so I started to turn aside to grab my laptop. When I started to turn I heard the voice of the Lord say, “You don’t have time for that. Get your wife, and the fire hose.” The dream ended.

INTERPRETATION: Our national problems are much worse than we realize, the whole foundation of our nation is being consumed by a fire that is much bigger than we can now see. It is this bigger fire burning the foundation that is causing the little ones to break out continually. We look for and put out the source of these little fires now breaking out. My wife represents the church, and she alone has what can put out this fire—the truth, which is represented by the water from the fire hose.

APPLICATION: It was the pulpits of America that woke up America so that she could throw off the tyranny being imposed on her to become a free and independent nation. It is going to take the same kind of courage, boldness, and willingness to sacrifice to save our nation that it took to found it. It is going to take the preachers of America, the prophetic voices that are here for such a time as this—to again arise and stand for the truth, and to encourage all who have been entrusted with the truth to arise and stand for it without compromise. The battle for our future is far from over—it has just begun. The fire that is threatening to destroy our house is attacking the whole foundation and it is yet unseen by most. We have to wake up to this immediately and pour the truth out like never before or our country will very quickly go up in flames.

2011 is going to be one of the most trying years in our history. We are not fighting an enemy that can be defeated by elections, and there are times coming when it will look like a victory just to have an election in 2012. If the church awakens to her purpose by the end of 2012 we can be back on the course to a future brighter than any time in our history. If the church does not arise, and become the prophetic voice she is called to be, America will go into a terrible bondage and darkness.

A week after I had the dream I shared above, a friend had a dream that I felt corroborated my dream. Following is an abbreviated version of what he sent to me (I am withholding his name because he is a missionary in a very dangerous part of the world):

I had a dream on the evening of October 29 and again during the afternoon on October 30. I saw a giant grizzly bear running rampant through the US and the rest of the World, though primarily in the US. It was large enough that it could swallow a man whole in a single bite. People everywhere were cowering in fear. I watched in horror as it swallowed person after person with alarming speed, and left a swath of destruction behind it. As it approached where I was standing, that fear and panic started to overcome me, and then suddenly I felt a peace. That was when I noticed the Lord was standing next to me. He said, "Come with me, you have seen all that you need to here. There is something else you need to see."

He took me to what looked to be a classic steepled church. When I walked inside while it still had the feel of a house of worship it looked more like a hunting lodge filled with trophies. Suddenly I saw what looked at first to be the rampaging bear. Then I realized that, no, this bear was considerably smaller, and while still menacing, it was nowhere near as fearful as the rampaging bear that I had seen earlier. After a moment I realized that it was another trophy. As I approached I saw a plaque at the bear’s feet that said, "The Great Bear of 1929." Even knowing that it was a long-dead trophy I still stood trembling before this Bear. The same fear and confusion seemed to radiate from it as was radiating from the rampaging bear. Again I felt calm come over me as the Lord stepped up to my side. When I turned to Him, He said, "You need to stand in my peace to see clearly what must be done." As I looked back at the bear I noticed a rifle in a case next to it. It looked like an Old M1 Garand in .30-06 caliber. When I looked at the manufacturer information inscribed in the barrel it said, "Mission and Intercession Armory." In place of model number were two verses, "Matt. 6.33 & Matt.6.10." As I was marveling at the rifle an old hunter came up. He was dressed in a field jacket of WWII vintage. He said, "That rifle is great for killing bears. We used it to take down the Great Bear here. It is available for any who are willing to take it up now. One well aimed shot at the heart is all it takes." The dream ended.

INTERPRETATION: In both of these dreams there is an answer to the crisis. In dreams and visions bears usually represent fear, or as in this case, a ―bear market,‖ which is actually the result of fear. Though I was not told this in my dream, I felt that the fear that was devouring our foundation, and would soon consume the entire house, was an economic fear. In my friend‘s dream it was a bear bigger than the bear of 1929. Often the time when we have or wake up from a prophetic dream can have significance, indicating a date or a Scripture verse. That he had this dream on ―the evening of October 29th‖ also speaks of 1929. Such a stock market crash is what we are now approaching.

APPLICATION: At this writing the market is going up around the world, with some reaching highs they have not seen since the 2008 crash. They may go up higher still, which is what happened in 1929. Even so, we are facing a bigger bear market than we did in 1929. This is when we can expect a great transfer of wealth like we did in the 1930‘s, which is when some of the great and enduring fortunes in America were made. As one prophetic friend who has a very accurate record in national and international events told me last week, ―We‘re going to the ‗bargain basement.‘‖ When I asked what he meant he said stocks are going to the basement, but that‘s where the bargains are.

I have followed this strategy of investing after a crash with my retirement accounts, which I did after the 2008 crash, and have done very well. Even before the dreams above I felt we were in for a big correction and began selling all of the holdings in my retirement accounts except for gold and silver. I am doing this to get ready to buy in ―the bargain basement,‖ and I am sharing this because I am so often asked what I‘m doing with my investments. However, much more important than what we are doing with our retirement accounts or holdings is that we heed the message of this dream in Matt.6:10 & 33—that we calm our hearts with the fact that His kingdom is going to come, and His will is going to be done right here on earth as it is in heaven. We are here to prepare the way for His kingdom, and to proclaim it. If we really believe this it would be where our biggest investments are going. As Jesus said, ―Where our treasure is, there will our heart be also.‖ Where are we putting our treasure?

The courage and boldness of our founding fathers was demonstrated by their willingness to sacrifice their lives and their fortunes, and many of them gave up their lives or their fortunes. They got a bargain for their investment and treasure that is laid up where it cannot be lost or corrupted. There are many today who have likewise been given great fortunes for this same purpose. Will the truly great souls arise today as they did then?

The election on November 2 was important and a step in the right direction for our nation. We should be encouraged by it. However, the crises we are now facing will not be solved in Washington. Too many times Christians have seen their candidates elected and then relaxed, feeling that things were now going to be okay, but they continued to get worse, if only a bit slower. We should support and pray for our leaders, but what we are now facing is beyond their ability to cope with. Voting is important, but prayer is more important than any vote. Prayer is crucial, but we must add to it the proclamation of the truth. Above all—get close to the Lord.

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