Wednesday, January 6, 2010

An Essential Prophetic Word from Becky Porter

This appeared on Open Heavens. A Prophetic Forum. I read many of them. This one really struck me as not only true but specific for you. This is why I love the Prophetic. If you will read the whole thing, you will see what is hidden there JUST FOR YOU. What follows is the Message from God thru Peggy:

Hello Precious Friends,

I feel that for some of you this entire word will be "right on" and will speak directly to your situation, and for others, only portions of it may speak directly to you, but because there will be some that this entire word is for, I am going to include every part of it so that all can be ministered to - I believe that God has included something in here for each one of us.

Please be encouraged - we are all a work in progress, and we are closer now than we have ever been - closer to the breakthroughs that we desire, and closer to fulfilling our destiny.

I pray that God will strengthen and encourage each one of you as you read this word.



The Strongholds In Your Life Will Be Eradicated

By Becky Porter

I see your bare feet, and I see that you have been walking on hot coals.

I am reminded of the scripture about putting our hand to the plow and not looking back. Luke 9:62 (Amplified Bible) Jesus said to him, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back [to the things behind] is fit for the Kingdom of God.

I hear the song: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”

I see you standing in the basket of a hot air balloon, and I see a look of bewilderment on your face. I see that the fires are burning very hot, and the balloon is rising very quickly. I see you traveling over a vast expanse of landscape very quickly. I see a lot of dry, arid desert. I see dead bones of animals lying about. I feel that possibly the dead bones represent your past – something you have already walked through in your past – but for some reason either you can’t let go of it, or it won’t let go of you – for it is following you around.

I see that your ankles are tightly bound, and as you try to walk, it is tripping you up and causing you to stumble and fall. I see old familiar habit patterns haunting you.

I see you trying to go through a door, but unbeknownst to you, it is a revolving door, and you keep walking around and around the same mountain of testing – deeply desiring to get free, but not knowing how.

I see you walking through a desert and your cheeks are sunburned, and you are hot, tired, and thirsty. I hear you saying, “When am I going to get there – to that oasis that You promised me?” I see you fall down in utter weariness and exhaustion – you are at the end of your own strength.

Now I see that you are being fed in the wilderness – you are resting in Him – I hear part of an old hymn about leaning on the everlasting arms. I see you eating grapes and other delicacies – fine wine and meats – you are being satiated/satisfied, rested, and refreshed, and great wisdom is being given to you as you ingest the food. The food is preparing you for the journey ahead – I see that you are not done traveling through the wilderness yet, but as you eat, you are being given a strategy that is going to shorten your journey and get you through to the other side much more quickly.

As you sit there in the desert wilderness, I see that you have thorns and thistles in your bare feet, and you are plucking them out. I hear you ask – “When will this end?” I see that as you have walked through the desert and around the mountain of testing, your endurance has grown, and though your feet hurt, and have at times been bloody, bruised and swollen, they have automatically been growing a thicker skin that is beginning to offer protection against the elements, so the things you walk over and through will no longer have the same affect on you.

I see that as you walk through the desert wilderness, you are going through a process of metamorphosis, transformation and change.

Now I see you in a suit of armor – where formerly you were uncovered, and the sun, wind, and elements were beating down upon you ruthlessly and relentlessly, your suit of armor now protects you. I see that your feet are shod and covered, and each piece of your armor rests upon you in proper position and alignment.

Now I see you running through the desert very quickly – you have been strengthened to finish the battle. I see that as you run, you are decapitating/slaying all of the enemies that stand in your way.

I see you crossing over a body of water, in fact, I see that the waters are parting for you, and as you cross over and make it to the other side, I see a look of victory on your face as you turn around and look back at where you have just come from, and what you have just walked through.

I hear the song, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever, and I shall feast at the table spread for me.”

I also hear: “The chaos has ended – peace will begin to reign. Don’t let circumstances dictate your response, but let YOUR actions cause the situation around you to change.”

“The circumstances around you will change as you change your actions and your stance. Don’t be like a thermometer, which changes according to the environment around it, instead be a thermostat that sets the temperature and dictates where it will remain.”

Be careful what you set the temperature to, for I see a vision of you and others around you that are frozen and shivering – paralyzed from the cold.

“The people around you will be greatly affected by what you set the temperature to – be very careful and ever watchful. Peace reigning, and proper atmospheric conditions will be up to you – you hold the control box in your hands.”

I see a tornado or whirlwind blowing around you, and I see people around you getting drawn into the winds – they get sucked up into it when they get close to you. Remember, you hold the controls in your hands. I see you push the button on the control box, and I see the winds stop and everything around you become very still.

There will be some clean up that will be necessary to get rid of all of the debris that was caused by the windstorm, but peace will indeed rule and reign around you. I see the clouds parting and I see the sun coming out, and I see sunny blue skies around you.

Now I see you in a sailboat upon the waters – you are relaxing in the sun, and a breeze is gently blowing the boat across the peaceful waters. You are very relaxed and refreshed as the sun gently caresses you. I see you dip your hand into the water as it flows by. You are a person after God’s own heart, just as David was, and God is very pleased with you!

I hear the Lord saying, “Arise My beloved, and take My hand, and together we will enter My Promised Land. Don’t look left, and don’t look right, but keep your eyes on Me, and I will turn what was darkness into My marvelous light.”

"As you surrender and let go, every piece of the puzzle will suddenly fall into place, and a very beautiful picture will unfold before your eyes. Don’t let go of My promises, but use them as a weapon of warfare to part the sea that stands before you. I will get you safely to the other side on dry land. Step into the waters with Me, for My Promised Land awaits you on the other side.”

I hear these words: “Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.”

“Speak to the dry and dead bones around you, and I will create new life.”

“The way out is through.”

I see that what were formerly murky waters will become crystal clear.

I hear the Lord saying:

“I will turn what was darkness into My marvelous light. I will never leave you, nor forsake you, but I will lead you and guide you and show you the way.”

I see you on a white horse, and you are in full armor. I see you wielding your Sword, and I see the bright rays of Light from the Holy One shining down upon you. I see that the Light is empowering you and causing you to win the battle. I see that when you stop wielding your Sword (the Word of God), the Light stops shining on you and working on your behalf, but every time you again begin to wield your Sword, the Light once again shines very brightly upon you.

I see little sponges and scrubbing bubbles (like the commercial on television that advertises a cleaning product for the shower), and I see that there is a “clean up crew” that God is going to release on your behalf, and they are going to clean up the mess caused by the storms that have come through.

I hear you say, “Why does this keep happening to me?”

I hear the Lord say, “Old habits die hard. You keep falling into old habit patterns, which then lock you into the same “nightmare” tracks of times past. It then seems like a roller coaster ride that you can’t get off of, or a merry-go-round that keeps following the same path around and around and around.”

I hear you say, “How do I stop this thing – how do I get off?”

I hear the Lord say: “Have your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.”

I am also reminded of the scripture that says, "...In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. Isaiah 30:15

I see you wearing a soft shoe – they are satin cloth shoes that cause you to walk very quietly, quickly and unobtrusively, and they enable you to quickly and effortlessly glide through situations in life in a supernatural way. As you spend more and more time in God’s Word, His peace will begin to rule and reign in your heart and life in a very tangible way. You will begin to carry His peace with you in such a way that the very atmosphere in a room will change (and the people in it), as you bring the Prince of Peace into the room with you!

God is going to teach you to walk a new way – to walk by faith and not by sight, and to trample on serpents and scorpions, where they will in no way harm you. You will become impervious to the arrows of the enemy – they will glance right off of your armor and will not be able to find their mark/target.

The gates of hell will not prevail against you. I see you inside a HUGE robot, and you are at the controls. I see enemy walls and barricades tumbling down as you make your way through enemy territory. Walls are crumbling/tumbling down, and being destroyed and demolished. Strongholds the enemy has erected are being eradicated.

I hear: “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

I see you blowing out candles on a birthday cake, and I see that with each new year you have not just become a year older, but you have become MUCH wiser! I also see that a time of celebration and rejoicing is at hand – it’s promotion time – “Old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

You are brand new, and you are now a better, stronger, and wiser version of who you once were.

I see frigidity around you thawing, and ice breaking off. I see that a new season is at hand. I see Spring-like conditions – green grassy meadows, trees and flowers, and clear blue skies. I see your season of suffering coming to an end. I hear birds chirping – Spring is in the air.

I see old foundations crumbling, and a whole new city with new foundations being erected.

I hear: “New life will be found in the barren wastelands of your life. Old mindsets will be eradicated, old habit patterns broken, and new habit patterns developed – YOU WILL BE MADE BRAND NEW.”

I hear: “Character is developed in the fires of affliction, just as bread rises and browns in a hot oven.”

I see a water pitcher that is made out of clay and it is 4 or 5 feet tall. I see you drinking from the living waters that are held inside. As you drink, I see fish coming forth from the water.

I hear: “Just as delicious bread that brings life to those who eat it is created in a hot oven, so also, fresh, living, and thriving waters that are teeming with life are created as a person walks through the fires of affliction.”

Good bread, life, sustenance, nourishment, and nutrition are being created through your experiences in the desert, and many will be fed/sustained, and given life through all that God is teaching you, giving you, and showing you.

There is a wisdom that comes through experiential knowledge that cannot be fully comprehended or understood until a person walks through the experience personally. There is a wealth of knowledge inside of you that you will share with many. God will open doors for you on a very large scale, and He will make a way for you to share with large numbers of people, many of which you will never meet in person. Many will be saved from destruction, for you will give them a map, a blueprint that they can follow, so that they will be spared from falling into the same pitfalls that you have.

You will teach the young and the old – there is an entire generation yet to be reached. You will raise up many and send them forth.

You are capable of accomplishing much more in your lifetime than you realize. If you let Him, God will use you to change the world for Him.

You are a “change-maker” and a “way-maker” – a pioneer in your field. As you have traveled through the jungles and the mountains and valleys, and as you have cut down trees and underbrush and removed huge boulders, you have created a path for others to follow so that they can safely make it through to the other side. You will be used as a Moses, but then promoted to a Joshua, for if you carefully listen, and follow all of God’s instructions, you will succeed where Moses failed, and you will lead many into God’s Promised Land, but you hold the key to success or failure. Learn from the mistakes that Moses made, and from the successes that Joshua had.

Remember, it was only the ones who had eyes of faith to see what others could not see – to see what God had spoken, instead of what could be seen with the natural eye, that made it into the Promised Land.

Becky Porter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I droped to knees prophetic expressions