Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Shaking. The Awakening

This awakening will either move to TOWARDS THE KINGDOM or away from it. There is no more middle ground. No compromise. No independent of the purposes of God left to pretend. You will either be for Him or Against Him. May well meaning ministers of the Gospel, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastor and Teachers of the Law (as Jesus called them) will now find themselves faced with a choice. That choice will mean GLORY or DESTRUCTION. The parallels between today and the day Jesus was condemned and Barabbas was chosen by a cheering crowd is stunning. We are there once again. An ungodly choice is before us. Choose this day whom you will serve. When the shaking comes you will have to decide. Jerusalem in less than the time of a person's life was destroyed competently. People who rejected the truth of God were slain or taken prisoner. We are there again. This nation, once UNDER GOD, will not stand long as it turns it's back on the covenant once made. Yes, there will be a remnant, but MUCH smaller than anyone imagines. You might even think you are among the Remnant. Are you? Do you stand with GOD in his Righteousness or have you bought the devils the teachers of the law did in the days of Jesus?

Those with eye(s)s to see are clearly recognizing and seeing, that all of humanity is shifting and shaking are being shaken, individually within and corporately....your heavens-mindsets , thought life and paradigms are being shaken. As well as your earth, your habits, the way you eat, your lifestyles, your bodies are being shaken and change is inevitable... from that shaking then comes the "awakening" out of the sleep of Adams death. Your inner eyes are NOW slowly being opened and limitless light.... to this dawning of a new age. Once again we, in Spirit..... are hearing the voice of our Abba and He is teaching us, himself to speak...... the words.... of the Everlasting Gospel. Receive you the Kingdom!!!

Hebrews 12:26-28
Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ran across this and it seems to fit your message

(A Word Of Admonition)
Yolanda Ballard posted a blog post.
Examine your hearts, all ye lands, for the soon coming King is coming with a wrath against the nations that are stiff necked and without repentance. For I have called them to My side, and I have given them plenty of time to repent, and to get their hearts ready for what is right at the door. For now is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power, and it will be against those who have mocked Me by persecuting My people, upon those who were harsh taskmasters, even those who have called themselves by My name, but were only wolves in sheep's clothing.

For yes, I am coming with a fury, and a might against those who have mocked Me, and neglected to heed My cry for repentance from those I have sent out. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand, and the violent will take it by force. They will not back down under hardship. They will keep their heads set like flint, completely focused upon My promises, and upon My will being accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.

For I am coming for My bride who has made herself ready, with garments that are white as snow, with no stain or wrinkle of any sort. I am coming soon for My bride for she has persevered, and kept her heart pure, undefiled from the world and its ways. For she did not compromise, but continued to take a stand for that which is holy, and I am pleased.

I am even blessed to say that she is Mine. I kept her from the evil one. I preserved her heart as she went through the fire of purging, like gold that has been put through the oven purified seven times. For you are like fine gold of the purest kind.

Keep your lamps burning and filled with My oil. Keep watching, and praying, and reaching out to those I gave My life for that they may enter in. Keep standing on My promise of household salvation for surely they will enter in with you.

Keep behind your shield of faith. Be prepared by hiding My word of promise in your heart. Store your treasures in heaven where they will not be robbed or destroyed.

Be ready for surely this is the hour of preparation. Be like the Bereans who searched out the Scriptures to see that what they heard was true. Do not receive everything that you hear. Test the spirit to see that it is of Me.

For the enemy has planted tares among the wheat, and many wolves among the sheep spreading every wind of doctrine, gross error, and even much heresy to try to poison the minds of My people, but I know My faithful ones will not give ear to a stranger. They hear only My voice and continue to follow Me.

My people will be marked as peculiar, and this will be light affliction, but they will be marked as "haters", and will receive harsh treatment, and will be delivered into the courts, but they will be bold, fearless like lions, but also will show strong love and compassion with such force that will touch the hearts of the persecutors.

Do not waver in unbelief if you may be counted worthy to stand before these men for your crown and reward will be mighty in heaven. Many will escape the hands of the persecutor for I will do a mighty work through them with signs, wonders, and miracles, and they will be able to escape those who will try to stop them for I will blind their eyes by the glory flowing out from them.

So be determined to be set in ranks in the calling I have placed upon you. Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will be with you and strengthen you. Behold, I will be with you to the end of all times. I am the Faithful One, your Lord and Redeemer.
my observation those that will be called haters many times will bring the pure Word of the Lord and since nowadays every ministry must be man approved many of the courts will be the synagaugs of Christianity that cannot perceive more than one attribute of God and
don't want to know or acknowledge a fearful Holy and Just God that will Judge it just doesn't fit their hearts desire.