Friday, March 15, 2013

Power Evangilism

This is how the world will be won, NOT by preaching, but by ALL nine gifts of the Spirit in full operation. The denominational church of today won't allow for it. So, the men and women of God full of the Holy Ghost and Power will have to do it one person at a time. It was God's plan to do this IN the church too... but apostate leaders have turned up their noses at God's instruction manual to fit church policy. I have been feeling that to save the church of Jesus will require that He destroy most of it. I'm not an enemy of the Church, but I don't see how or where she will come into alignment with the truth of the Fullness of God's anointing. They seem to be incompatible ends. 
Man in restaurant has word of knowledge about a kitchen worker with back pain. Worker didn’t want to come out for prayer so man prayed over dinnerware and said that when it was returned to kitchen for worker to touch it and he would be healed. When dinnerware was returned, worker touched it and all back pain immediately left. Two owners then came out to find out “Who are you people?”

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