While ministering in Brazil in July 2012, I was seeking the Lord for His mind and thoughts concerning future movements of the Holy Spirit. I went to sleep in my hotel room in Belo Horizonte and woke up out of a "stunner of a dream". The manifested presence of God was riveting on my body as an after effect of this dream encounter. It shook me.
I have yet to tell the full dream experience publicly, but I have been directed to present portions of it to you now. Perhaps I will be released at a later date and the proper setting to actually proclaim the message. For now, I am going to steer away from my craft of interpreting and just bring you the raw message.
I Saw Southern California as a Womb for the Body of Christ!
Like an eagle in flight, I was hovering over the globe in search of a
place to land. Suddenly the entire West Coast of the United States came
before me. I was zoomed in upon the state of California and with the
eye of an eagle I saw glimpses of redemptive purposes and plans. I then
turned in flight over portions of Southern California and I saw
something that seemed unusual. Southern California was a womb for the
Body of Christ. She had been used to conceive the Word and the Spirit
over the last one hundred years of the Church and to bring forth
different movements of God. My "knower" was on high alert as I flew over Los Angeles and Orange County – that this womb had already received another word implanted at least a year earlier and that another long-term, almost overdue, birth was imminent. I then soared over Pasadena and the next thing I knew, the eagle suddenly flew into the historic Mott Auditorium on the hallowed grounds of William Carey University.
I Saw John Wimber Standing on the Platform!
Suddenly on the wings of an eagle, I was taken into Mott Auditorium
in Pasadena, California. The place was packed with worshipping Believers
with standing room only. The atmosphere was electric with the presence
of God. Rabid worship was happening with occasional authoritative
declarations by various leaders. I noticed a few desperate pastors I
knew crying out with anguish for God to visit them once again. Then
things suddenly shifted. 
People started crashing to the floor en masse under the impact of the power and authority that resonated in those simple words. Once again another sound wave was released, "COME AGAIN HOLY SPIRIT." It was not gentle Jesus showing up or the comforting dove of God manifesting. It was not just another renewal or revival meeting, though it seemed to include all of those qualities. It was the violent invasion of Heaven entering a time and space world. It was a Church quake.
I felt the reverberation coming off the sound waves of the voice of the invitation. It shook the very building, the grounds and all those present. The fear of the Lord fell and an earthquake of a 5.7 magnitude resulted. The quake resulted in an anointing resting on Psalm 57: "Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me. For my soul takes refuge in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by. I will cry to God Most High, to God who accomplishes all things for me. He will send from Heaven and save me."
People screamed in terror as the entire grounds and buildings were rattled by the sound of God's voice being heard and felt once again. Signs and wonders broke out but it appeared as an aftereffect, not the primary goal. Then a third time I heard the pronouncement from John Wimber, "COME AGAIN HOLY SPIRIT!" People crashed onto the floor in droves.
As I pen this, I just now realized some things I had forgotten. They just flashed suddenly within me as I compose this. I also saw the late Jill Austin, one of the fieriest prophetesses of the last decade, gazing in upon the happening and smiling. I heard her laugh echo over the occurrence as to say, "I told you He was coming!" I saw a great cloud of witnesses including Aimee Simple McPherson and others gathering around to peer in upon this strange outbreak. The convergence of old anointings still seemingly resident upon California was now colliding.
Suddenly I was Awakened!
My senses were heightened. It was July and I was ministering in
Brazil – a land pregnant with revival – but suddenly it appeared to be
another season and it was fall, right at the time of the Jewish New Year
of Rosh Hashanah. Then pages of a book flipped quickly from one chapter
of time to another and suddenly it was 40 days and nights later. I
smelled smoke in Mott Auditorium as the place had been filled with the
burning fiery sacrifices of violent praise and worship. I smelled burnt
flesh. I smelled aromas of life and death simultaneously at work. Short messages from different anointed vessels were a part of this new sound wave but again it was not the main thing. Miracles happened. They suddenly occurred. But again, this was not the aim. It was not why the people even assembled. Yes, there were even short passionate pleas and desperate cries for help! But even that was not the central focus. This move of God centered on the radical worship of the One – Christ Jesus the Lord and the abandoned welcoming of the Third Person of the Godhead – the Holy Spirit! The jealousy of God permeated the experience.
It was not a conference. It was not even polished. It was not even 24/7 as we presently know it. It was raw and overpowering. It was not rehearsed. It was an invasion of the Holy Spirit Himself.
A window of opportunity had opened and this uncontrollable surging sound wave jumped spontaneously around the globe. A man appeared on a pogo stick gleefully jumping from city to city and nation to nation. The man on the stick was William Seymour of the historic Azusa Street Revival. He leapt across the nations and everywhere his pogo stick landed, light came for a brief moment! The nations were in an uproar - and fire and light were falling around the globe.
Then I Heard One Last Word

Terror gripped me. I shook. I honestly did not know what was coming next. I still do not know having pondered deeply on this experience. Was it Days of Glory or impending societal chaos? Was it times of economic collapse or reformation where a new order was created out of tumultuous uncertainty? I honestly was left not knowing what the outcome or the result was or would be.
But this I knew: Hope for the fragmented Body of Christ and the nations was being released. An invitation was being sent from Heaven to earth and a line was being drawn in the sand.
The word went in me. The word penetrated me. The word has disturbed me. But this I know, Heaven has a word that must be heard in the earth realm, "COME AGAIN HOLY SPIRIT!" And the invitation must have an urgent and appropriate response.
With expectation!
Dr. James W. Goll
Encounters Network • Prayer Storm • Compassion Acts Team
Email: info@encountersnetwork.com
Website: encountersnetwork.com
1 comment:
Pro 9:10 The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy [is] understanding. Dereck prince once asked a preacher what we needed most in America .To which the preacher replied many people say revival I don't believe that at all we need the fear of the Lord . Dereck prince was so taken by that statement and the fact that He didn't ever remember Hearing a message on it he began to teach it.I don't know that I ever sat in a service where they taught on it. but after hearing teaching on it I definetly understood some of Mariah woodworth etters messages concerning blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and came to realize that finneys messages on hell weren't just for unbeleivers but it took me awhile to understand how that applied in jude.that being said that line might be.Isa 28:17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. not to say in the Antioch incident with annanias and saphira but doctorinally speaking
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