Carman, we make declaration from the Spirit of God. The years and
years that you have spent giving and sowing and blessing millions of
lives – is this the end? Is this the end of your voice? That's the
question; it's not the cancer or the sickness. Is this the end? You
know well how to fight; you know well how to fight in the Spirit. Is
this the end of your season? And you have righteously said, "If this is
it, I'll go fighting the devil until the very last day." But is God able
to extend the years of your life? As David said, "He is the God who
causes us to escape death."
Lord, I break the power of the words. I don't break the power of cancer; I break the power of fear of cancer and fear of death. Lord, You know that You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or imagine. I pray for him. The Warriors stand together and we call for Carman right now, not because he's a celebrity, God, but because he's a human life with a gift that You've preserved for this day and for this age. I pray for that transfiguration to take place, Lord God, and we thank You for doing it in the name of Christ, and we declare that he shall escape death. In the name of Christ!
Billionaires, Philanthropists
Ninety-nine percent of the Body of Christ, the people of the Kingdom,
can't think in terms of billions. I said, "Why are You telling me
this?" He said, "Because I want to raise up billionaires."I said, "How are You going to do it?" And He said, "It's in the earth, it's in the sky, it's in the trees. It's out there; you must prophesy it so they can become part of this troop of people that are going to take the Kingdom by force and not worry about money."
You are those people! You may say, "Well, Kim, that's impossible." Don't ever say impossible; don't even say "Kimpossible." I want you to say, "It is possible." "Kim, you're stretching my mind. This is never going to happen." Yes, there are some of you sitting out there, you're going to make small investments into some of the things that are out there and billions of dollars are going to be made. If you really believe that is a word from God today, you're going to sow and give it.
You may say, "Kim, I cannot see that. I need $5 to..." Do you think every billionaire started with billions? And I want to tell you something – this ministry is going to become a billion dollar concern. I'm speaking it out because it's going to happen. Hear me loud and clear – billions and billions. Why? Because once we've paid our administrative costs, we are going to give the rest away. We are going to become the first philanthropist prophetic ministry! I'm going to take that as a prophecy for myself! This is going to be the first prophetic philanthropist ministry. Let me say this again, because it has a great feel. I'm saying it because whatever happens to a spiritual leader happens to the people. Whatever takes place in your leader happens to you. It's a spiritual effect; it happens. And this is what I want you to understand. The word of the Lord has come to me now and I'm going to prophesy it.
God says, "If you can smell poverty, then you are not smelling what I am, for what is coming to My nostrils," says the Spirit, "is a fragrance of prosperity, and it begins by taking poverty out of your soul, by taking poverty out of your praise, by taking poverty out of your prayers, by taking poverty out of your knowledge, by taking poverty out of your speech. Once you do that and you replace all these areas with prosperity in your thinking and in your speaking, so there will be a gravitation. It's the law of attraction – a gravitation – and doors shall open up to you. You shall see where to invest."
And God said, "Once you've begun investing in the Kingdom, I'll show you the places where you'll dig wells, and they will say, 'This well belongs to me; that well belongs to him.'" God says, "I'll cause you to dig your own well like Isaac did, and as a result of it, he had his own prosperity and he put his name there." God says, "I want you to put your name on your well, and there shall be a well of prosperity that shall come forth even in the midst of poverty." This is the Word of the Lord. "And to you, Kim, you shall be one of the philanthropists that are prophetic in the Kingdom of God and give, and give, and give!"
March 2, 2013 - From The Den:
"I See Darkness Falling; You Are Struck With Light"
(Prophetic Song)
Your word is like a fire throughout the earth!(Prophetic Song)
His word is like a fire, so have no fear!
I can see something fall like lightning;
I can see something fall like lightning from Heaven!
I can see something fall, darkness falling!
Light, light, light!
His word is like a light, His word is like a light!
I can see something falling from Heaven right now!
I can see something fall like lightning,
I said, struck by light! I said, struck by light!
I'm going to speak to the principalities of the air right now.
You are struck by light!
You are struck with light!
To the forces of principalities of evil throughout this marble, I want you to know
God's word is like a fire, His word is light.
You are struck with light! You are struck with light! You are struck with light!
You are struck with light!
A Revolution Like Never Before
The Spirit of God says, "Prepare
yourself, Planet Earth, for that which I did in the '60s and the '70s, I
have revealed that this is that time again; but it shall not be like
then, where it is restricted to just a few continents. This movement," says the Lord, "will begin again in California, and there shall be an economic boost in California. And they shall say, 'But why California? Is it not the Hell-hole of America?'"
And God said, I don't care what it is; I will take the economy of California and show America that I will take the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, that I will take the known things of this world to make My light shine. And America shall look at California and say, 'It's impossible. Look at the economy rising up.' And I shall rejoice, for it shall not be as a result of the economists, but it shall be as a result of the movement that is beginning to take place, likened unto the Jesus Movement.
"It shall begin with the Hispanic people, for the Hispanics shall say, 'We must go into the streets, to the highways, to the byways, to the backstreet alleys, into the prisons.' And suddenly, all throughout West L.A., it shall spread, and spread, and spread from house to house, from prison to prison. I shall reveal Myself, and a movement shall explode, not only here, but in America.
"And there shall be young people, and they shall invent and they shall compose, and they shall say, 'What must we do next?' They shall take over the Internet; they will take over the Internet, and then it shall go viral, and they shall say, 'Jesus is cool!' They shall speak that name. And it shall go from house to house, and My fire shall consume the criminal activities in California, and then it shall spread to New York, then it shall spread to the south, and I will unbuckle the Bible belt; I will unbuckle the belt that is in the Bible belt, and they shall explode with joy, for this nation is ready for the greatest breakthrough ever, and it shall be called a revolution like never before!"
It's Beginning Already
[This is] what I saw when I was captured and I went between time and
space and eternity: It was like I was going through a curtain, through a
doorway. And I saw things and I heard things, and I said, "But Lord, so
many have looked with disdain upon California; so many have looked with
disdain upon America, and yet You have spoken kind words through me.
Why did you send me to this nation – why did you send me to end my life
in California?"And as I was praying, the Spirit began to show me things. I saw emblems for the prosperity of His people. "Your soul must prosper first," He said, "before anything else can prosper. The soul of this nation has been wounded, not from outside but from inside. Self-infliction upon the soul of this nation. For I stand not in the presence of good only, but I stand in the presence of evil. The angel came to Daniel; he said, 'O, greatly beloved.' Then he came again and he said, 'O, highly esteemed, Daniel.' When he came to Gideon, he said to him, 'Mighty man of valor.'"
I heard these words, good words, from Malech Yahweh [the Angel of the Lord]; I heard these words coming from Him: "The Angel of the Lord has been commanded by the light of the people who are praying; He has been summoned by the people, and He is resting His feet upon nations while the battle rages, setting a flame to those who are ready."
I heard Him speak of this nation and other nations that He has chosen – Asia, singled out by demonic powers to cripple this nation. I say, "Ha!" I laugh at them who would think that the Spirit of the Lord that brings liberty would be so easy to trick.

It's beginning already, come on. It's beginning already throughout the earth! You're not even seeing it, but in the streets of L.A., the streets of San Francisco, I'm moving! My light is moving throughout the earth! Another Jesus revolution!
Your Instruments Are Being Sharpened
I hear the sound of fear. It is not amongst the angels of God. The
hosts of darkness and evil and wickedness that have made plans, that
have made plans for this time and this generation, they say of you, O
Israel, they say of you, O Church, "You have your instruments but they
are blunt. How shall you conduct a warfare with instruments, with
weapons that are blunt? Would you like to come to the land of the
Philistines, as Israel did in times past, to sharpen your instruments?
You would never venture here; you're afraid to move outside of your
walls!"Thus says Malech Yahweh, the Angel of God, "Not so with this generation! They shall go to the land of the Philistines to sharpen their weapons. They will use whatever means it takes – singing, preaching, artwork, dancing. They will use whatever instrument they can, and yes, they will let the world sharpen it. Yes, they will let the land of the Philistines sharpen the instruments that they will use against them to destroy them. What I say to you and answer to these Warriors that are about to emerge from the earth, the 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-year-olds, children being attacked, I'll tell you what: They are going to go to the land of the Philistines with their blunt instruments and you will sharpen it for them so they can do the battle and wage the battle against you."
What do you see about us, Angel of Light?
Suddenly I'm seeing something. People all over the world in these cities like Syria and Iran, Iraq, Egypt. They're doing a strange shaking sort of dance. It's emerging from New York, and they are using this as a sign of their freedom. And though I do not see the Spirit of the Lord resting upon this, He shall take it and convert a dance so unusual – they're shaking around each other – and God said, "I will transform that, and just their dance will cause a reaction amongst leaders, amongst people, and it shall spread and spread and spread. What you're hearing is a combination of eastern, middle eastern music, and western music; just the beginning."
Prophecy Is Like a Tapestry: Vision of the Two Crowns and Something To Invest In
For instance, the two crowns I saw, it was something to
invest in – it was an investment, a huge one. People can start
researching that now. Actually, it was two crowns. I want to draw it
because it has – what do you call that thing on top of the crown, the
spike? What do you call it? Whatever that is, there's a certain number
of them, and then I saw the two leaves together.On the Day of Pentecost, there were people from every nation and there was a sound that came to those people from Heaven. I feel like this is going to happen again, but in a global way – not just in an upper room in Jerusalem – but throughout the earth, where God will take all the nations that He's mentioned here and cause a sound to come. You just watch what He's going to do – a massive, global move of the Spirit which will start – actually, I saw it starting with the Hispanic, with the Spanish people, and then moving through and catching on. So it's a very interesting prophecy that I got when I saw that day.
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Email: hope@kimclement.com
Website: kimclement.com
1 comment:
then read previous post
then make sure that your heart is his and read why
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
13:14. The rule by which the wise regulate their conduct, is a fountain yielding life and happiness. 15. The way of sinners is hard upon others, and hard to the sinner himself. The service of sin is slavery; the road to hell is strewed with the thorns and thistles that followed the curse. 16. It is folly to talk of things of which we know nothing, and to undertake what we are no way fit for. 17. Those that are wicked, and false to Christ and to the souls of men, do mischief, and fall into mischief; but those that are faithful, find sound words healing to others and to themselves. 18. He that scorns to be taught, will certainly be brought down. 19. There are in man strong desires after happiness; but never let those expect any thing truly sweet to their souls, who will not be persuaded to leave their sins. 20. Multitudes are brought to ruin by bad company. And all that make themselves wicked will be destroyed. 21. When God pursues sinners he is sure to overtake them; and he will reward the righteous. 22. The servant of God who is not anxious about riches, takes the best method of providing for his children. 23. The poor, yet industrious, thrive, though in a homely manner, while those who have great riches are often brought to poverty for want of judgment. 24. He acts as if he hated his child, who, by false indulgence, permits sinful habits to gather strength, which will bring sorrow here, and misery hereafter. 25. It is the misery of the wicked, that even their sensual appetites are always craving. The righteous feeds on the word and ordinances, to the satisfying of his soul with the promises of the gospel, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of life. 1 Timothy 6:9
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