Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Sure Word of Prophecy

This morning I was looking for some things. I ran across this prophecy from December 1.

In view of what is going on I understand the wisdom of God in this word. What is more important is the fact that we must not be offended by his perfect correction on the earth. Here's what the Lord said to me on December 1.

I am not surprised ever, nothing ever happens that shocks Me. So what you are going thru, the way it appears is not new to Me.

The world you knew before that you knew in your heart was headed in a wrong direction, a world you lived in once, is gone. It reached a point like in the days of Noah. I did not bring Judgement, I brought correction. I love you too much not too. There are righteous that will feel loss but there are wicked who will be desperate in loss.

These sudden and thorough cleansing affects everything you know. Do not panic. I am still on the throne. This is necessary and in the end you will see it as a sovereign move of My Spirit.

So, watch and see what I will do. Be ready to be used for my purposes when I call you. Do not long for the former things. They are gone. I am taking you to a new place. What you knew will never return again.

What you will come into will be better, much better, but it will be different from what you knew. You will not long for those days before as the Good Old Days, you will see them for what they were.

My promises are still intact and Still Yea and amen.

So, trust me, I know the future and it is a good place you are going. It is not loss, it is gain, not as you will understand at first, but when you see it, it will be a treasure found only in Me that you never could have known otherwise.

I am cleansing my Body as I pour out my spirit. You will see collapses and failures in ministries and churches all around and at the same time will see explosions of my mercy and moves of My Spirit in ways you only read about up until now. The obedient will be established in Me and as they hear the sure word of Prophecy they will prosper.

Your treasure is locked up in ME alone. If you try to find it any other place you will find only deception and disappointment.

Look only to ME. I am Author. I am Finisher. I began a good work in you. I am faithful to fulfill it.

When you wonder who knows what is happening - I AM.

When you wonder there is any hope - I AM.

More than Enough - I AM.



Heart n Hands Inc. said...

AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!!!!!!! And AMEN some more! HE and HE alone is GOD ALONE and MORE than enough and all that we need!


Heart n Hands Inc. said...

Here is the Word that God gave my spiritual Dad last Oct.

Mid Course Correction and Call for Unity
Oct 12, 2008 12
I believe that the events of the day that are happening right now, although they are, in part, the result of greed and avarice, are not just material events that have been precipitated by the actions of a few very powerful men in the world’s eye. The crises that are unfolding right now have been caused by man’s greed, but they are also God’s gracious ( yes gracious) correction because His plans for the USA have gotten so off track that mid course correction is now necessary. Indeed if He did not correct this, then the world monetary markets would self destruct and chaos would reign. That time is not just yet although it will happen at some point in order to facilitate the anti-Christ’s rise to power and his manifestation as a false minion of peace.

Until the Lord sees the correction bring forth His desired results, I think that even the world’s leaders will not be able to facilitate an effective plan to curb, stem or stop the present downward flow that is prevalent world wide. The world’s answer is credit and more credit because the world system revolves on credit! This correction is happening because His people the Christians have cried out about injustice. It has always been this way and He is now positioning the world for the Christian to rise up and be what he or she has been ordained to be from the foundation of the world. It is not judgment on America as you will and have heard, and it is not the end of time just yet although we are closer than ever. It is the correction of the world system prior to coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle. I believe that if the Christian will stand in this hour and pray, and seek His face we will see the greatest revival that this World has ever experienced. Heretofore there have been limited revivals in contained areas, but it is time for Christians all over the world to come together in one mind and one accord in a spirit of prayer and restoration. Lay down the differences that separate us and join hands to stand in this hour.

Pastor Rusty Bowles
Church of the Latter Rain
1456 Beltline #139
Garland TX 75044