Tuesday, December 30, 2008

God's People will NOT be Shamed Part 5

Last of the series by David Wilkerson on these tough times. Parts 1-4 are below:

God called his children not only to trust him but to believe him to work miracles. Tell me, would the Lord ask any less of our generation? Consider the testimony we have put forth about our glorious Lord. We have said he will provide, calling him Jehovah Jireh. We have declared his promises to supply for his children. Now, once more, his name and honor are at stake. If we will commit him to act, he promises: “I wrought for my name’s sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen, in whose sight I brought (Israel) out” (Ezekiel 20:14). He’s saying, in essence, “When I delivered Israel, it wasn’t in some hidden corner. I worked miracles for them before the whole world. Now I want to do the same in your generation.”

Dear saint, are you facing a situation you have not yet committed to God? Are you being called to put your faith out on a limb in the distant unknown? Have you resolved, “Only a miracle from the Lord can deliver me”? We may not figure out how God will work his deliverance; no one in the Bible did. But we do know this: just one of his angels can put 185,000 men to flight. The Lord will never let his people be ashamed! Right now, he is telling us just as he told Israel,

“I called you out of your sins. And I have set you within sight of
everyone around you, that I may glorify my name. It was I who called
you out. And I will deliver you in the sight of the ungodly, for my
name’s sake.”

So, will you now walk in what you preach and claim to believe? Will you commit God to his Word for his name to be glorified before multitudes?

May we all adopt the prayer of David for these times: “Do thou for me, O God the Lord, for thy name’s sake: because thy mercy is good, deliver thou me” (Psalm 109:21, my italics). God will never put his trusting people to shame.

He will keep his Word to you because his own honor is at stake.

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