Saturday, December 27, 2008

God's People will NOT be Shamed Part 2

From David Wilkerson's December 8th Newsletter that contains the prophetic utterance above.
See part one below, this is a continuance:

Paul also describes our time when he writes, “In the last days
perilous times shall come…. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and
worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:1, 13). Think of
the huge mortgage companies that seduced and deceived the poor, the
unlearned and the unemployed. These unwitting people were lured to sign
up for mortgages they could never pay, and when payday came they were
left without homes. Reputable banks failed because of the deception,
but their executives bailed out with “golden parachutes” of
multiple millions. I read about one such executive throwing an
expensive party, dancing the night away with liquor flowing, knowing
full well his company was going down. He and others partied wildly
despite knowing that hundreds of thousands of people would lose their
homes. It is a clear fulfillment of the prophecy in Zephaniah 1:9,
“(They) leap on the threshold [of the poor], which fill their
masters’ houses.”

How long did we think God would put up with such
madness, such mockery of his name? The Lord has the final word on the
matter, and he says, “In the same day also will I punish (them)”
(1:9). In short: “I will put them to shame.” “Their sword shall
enter their own heart, and their bows [wealth] shall be broken”
(Psalm 37:15). Even now, as I write this, two billionaires are being
bailed out because their wealth vanished overnight. At the same time
the Lord is recompensing the ungodly, he will reward those who trust in
him.Here is the theme of my message: “The Lord upholdeth the
righteous…. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time [of
calamity]” (Psalm 37:17, 19, my italics). You may ask, “What does
this mean exactly?” It means simply this: God is faithful not just in
his recompense of woes, but also in his promises. David is saying, in
effect, “Look around you and see how God keeps his Word. His warnings
are now being manifested in your headlines, his actions all over your
media. I ask you, will not God also keep his Word to preserve his
chosen ones?”

Think of it: No matter what happens in the world — no
matter how fearful the news becomes, how severely the world shakes, how
economies may teeter toward collapse — God’s people will not be
left ashamed. Indeed, the Lord will act on our faith to fulfill his
Word to us. We may suffer, but he will come through for all who fully
trust in him. The world will never be able to say, “Your God didn’t
keep his Word.” Make no mistake, we are going to face impossibilities
in the days ahead. But our Lord says he is God of the impossible,
providing miracles when there is no human answer. In fact, he willingly
puts his reputation in the hands of his people, calling us to commit him
to his Word. You may think, “But God can defend his own name. He
doesn’t need me.” Not so! God has chosen his people to be his
testimony to a numb, unmoved world. And he is calling us to openly
commit him to do what he promises. You see, in the world’s eyes God
is always on trial. Unbelievers are watching every time we face
impossible situations, saying, “This person sings about God making a
way to deliver him. Now we’ll see if his God answers him. Will he
make it through or will he end up in shame?”

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