Sunday, February 6, 2011

When mammon can no longer control you, he will bow his knee and serve you

I don't know this man, but I do know the Voice of God. This is that. We are about to watch God do one of the greatest wealth transfers ever manifested. NOT EVERY BELIEVER will participate in this. You must be positioned. You must understand the situations. God WILL cause your oppressors to bow, but only as you are NOT CONTROLLED by him. It's time to see...clearly. This does. It says what I have been saying, but from another's mouth. The word of God is matter who says it. All emphasis are mine (Gene):

By Clay Sikes

The wheels have run off the proverbial cart in the marketplace, and the cart is in the ditch. The world's system is broken and the whole creation is groaning for the manifestation of sons (daughters) with solutions. Have you ever asked yourself 'why' the whole creation is groaning? The Body of Christ has heard preachers, teachers, and so-called prophets who for years have espoused a doctrine they 'talked' but did not walk. The time has come for the 'walkers' to be the 'talkers.' How can any man lead you where he has not walked? Overcoming testimony is the scribe of new truth. The Kingdom of God is coming upon the earth through God's true sons and daughters, and it is my personal belief, experience, and testimony that much Kingdom evidence is emerging, perhaps first in the marketplace. Some of the greatest accounts in the Bible occurred during times of famine when God's greatest evidential truth was His action upon earth. These actions always involved His obedient people.

What is written here is my personal testimony, as I've known for twenty-five years that I am called as a forerunner in this arena. As most know, God has set times for His purposes in the earth, and 9/9/09 birthed something of great importance to those called to ministry in the marketplace. Before going much further, I think it important to understand 'ministry' in this context does not align itself with the religious understanding of ministry. Ministry here is the establishment of the systems of God (the Kingdom) operating through His sons and daughters on earth (in the marketplace). By no means do I think, nor am I saying that other forms of ministry are less important to God. I write about the marketplace simply because I am called there. As additional clarification, let me add that 'forerunners' are simply that - those chosen by God to run ahead that others may see and anticipate what is coming. In many cases they are a living testimony of what God intends for His people. In conclusion let me say emphatically, I am not, nor will I ever be a prosperity preacher with a prosperity doctrine. What is happening right now in the marketplace will not happen to every believer, just as what happened to Joseph did not happen to all believers of his day. This message is aimed at those who are specifically called to the business arena to specifically fulfill God's purpose in the earth. Much of His purpose requires funding, so hence it makes sense that an initial move of God would begin with those called to fund His end-time harvest.

Judgment has indeed fallen upon the true 'House of God' in the marketplace. As the world's system began to crumble in 2006, so too did the 'systems of men' crumble in the hands of God's called men and women in the marketplace. To the extent we (in the marketplace) were involved in the world's system, to that same extent were we devastated by the worst economy the world has seen since the Great Depression. Our depth into that system determined the level and nature of the system's grip upon us. Forerunners carried the mark of destruction on all that did not originate with God, or operate by His Kingdom methodology (true Kingdom principles). Judgment began crushing those things birthed from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, yet 'life' sprung to those birthed from the Tree of Life - communion with God. A visible transition began to occur! God began to contrast those things that were of Him from those things that were not!

When the systems of men (world's system) have been sufficiently rooted out of our lives, then and only then has judgment done its work, leaving us repentant, purged and free to build as the Father orders. This freedom will only come to those who have escaped the deadly fruit of the self-centered nature of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (intellectual decision making); and who regularly partake of the Tree of Life (spiritual communion with God).

Opposition is not always the enemy, as often God destroys things in our lives that didn't originate with Him. Yes, there will be things we think originated with Him that will be stopped dead cold, only for us to realize down the road that we originated them for our own and often selfish purposes. Continual self examination is mandatory in escaping bad fruit from the wrong tree. I am convinced that Ishmael must always precede Isaac for most of us. Ishmael's provoking antagonism is motivation enough to force the maturity of patience.

As I've written many times, the highest form of communication in the earth today is spirit to spirit, not intellect to intellect; and the highest form of spirit to spirit is testimony from the 'overcomer' into the heart of the hearer. We have entered a season of impartation in the marketplace where testimony releases supernatural ability (Revelation 12:11). Peter imparted healing to a lame beggar who had never heard Gloria Copeland teach on healing. An impartation occurred and healing manifested. I strongly sense that men with testimony (in the marketplace) will impart to anointed men 'called' to the same arena. The true purpose of forerunners is to impart what took them years to learn. Testimony is not doctrine, and it cannot be argued. It is what it is! For those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

Those of us in the forerunner company know firsthand how the world's system hates us. The level of attack has been brutal and savage, yet God sustains us through this purging. As we evidenced purging we noticed the work was no longer about us, but Him who called us - for His glory! It was no longer about us, but Him who called us. As obedience became the focus, the systems of man began to fall away, and emerging in its place the system of God - the Kingdom. A clear contrast began to occur as God's hand of protection and favor revealed itself with physical evidence. Purging and repentance initiate Kingdom life in the marketplace. We must decrease that He increase.

This encouraging and overcoming testimony started with small beginnings, but has grown exponentially. This is the fruit of communion with God - the Tree of Life. The fruit of an obedient act, having heard God can only produce good results (Luke 6:43-44). It is impossible for us to produce good fruit as long as decisions are made from intellectual understanding (the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). We will always reap from the tree whose fruit we eat (Galatians 6:7). My 'best' is my 'worse' before God as my tendency is to lean on me instead of God. My education, my history, my training; even past successes (my best) can be trip wires into failure. This is a hard lesson, but one that must be learned to move into a place of trust with God in high marketplace callings.

True forerunners have learned the difference between 'good' and God. It is indeed true God is good, yet all 'good' is not God. The fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of 'good' is just as deadly as the 'evil' side of the tree; perhaps more so because it entraps well meaning Christians with swift and deceitful disguise. A well known prosperity preacher once told me "You can wrap anything in religious cloth and sell it to the Body of Christ." Haiti is full of 'good' missionaries who do not recognize the difference between 'good' and God - their intentions are great, but their mission powerless. Ishmael has a way of awakening us to this sad fact. True forerunners in the marketplace have created their share of Ishmaels, and from this ambitious mistake, rooted in 'good,' learned patience; preferring now to only birth Isaac in their work. Patience requires the discipline wait. "With wisdom, get understanding." Wisdom is the direction of God, and understanding is the 'how to.' Most lacking proper maturity move out with God's direction without waiting on His 'how to.'

A purity of sorts exists in those destined to move forward in the marketplace. Devoid of the systems of men and tested by the fires of affliction they stand ready awaiting the implementation of the systems of God (the Kingdom). As God-initiated systems begin to emerge, the systems of men will bow their knee and serve them. When mammon can no longer control you, he will bow his knee and serve you. A great wealth transfer will take place during this current world-wide famine, as God's people will come out of Egypt with great monetary wealth. Only those dead to mammon's power and influence will walk in the fullness of this aspect of God's purpose upon the earth. This will require immense maturity.

The judgment that began with these men and women will extend to those who mean them harm, who touch God's anointed with destructive intentions. I have experienced this firsthand. A fierce shield of protection will encapsulate those chosen by God in this hour in the marketplace. This unseen protection is but one part of the unmitigated favor of God that rests upon His Josephs during this hour (Genesis 39:21). Supernatural occurrences will cause wealth to flow to these men and women with regularity - debt cancellation, wealth-building ideas, and fortuitous circumstances will flow as naturally as a fish swims in the sea. I have experienced this firsthand as well.

The marketplace calling and wealth accumulation is not without orderly purpose; as God gives rise to other arenas of His Kingdom coming upon the earth, marketplace leaders will call upon their grain bins for the appointed resources to accomplish God's will upon earth. We, the sons and daughters of God, are beginning to function as a wheel within a wheel - the will of God in earth (the outer wheel) functioning around and governing His people (the inner wheel) in the performance of His will. 2011 will signal the beginning of the greatest breakthrough in the history of the earth in the marketplace, as those called forerunners produce results only achievable through God's own hand of favor. These miracles will result in a new form of evangelism, as even unbelievers recognize that such occurrences could only happen by Divine Providence. 2011 and beyond will lead us into a period of God's government and order for His people - A period in which His Body flows with His command. Leaders will emerge with the systems (of God) being brought to the marketplace. The anointing they bring in a dead market will bring light into the darkness, bringing the words of the prophet Isaiah (Chapter 60) to life.

Clay Sikes


Robert Hagedorn said...

But what IS the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Do a search: The First Scandal.

Gene said...

The tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil is our arrogance to judge what God is Doing as Good or Evil by our intellect.

No Google Search was necessary to respond.