Tuesday, February 8, 2011

John Jenkins Revival is coming to the U.S.

It isn't coming in a wave and spreading like fire. It comes like fireworks! There will be launchings coming from key ministries in the U.S.that will move like a rocket across the sky and then an explosion of revival will occur. This revival comes in the form of miracles and signs and wonders that our Lord will bring to believers that will step outside the
religious choking of normal Christianity. People that trust God and are faithful. People that are willing to do whatever it takes. Most important of all, people that will obey the Holy Spirit no matter how crazy it sounds.

We will see the lame walk and the blind see. We shall see entire limbs restored. Even the dead shall rise again. Astonishing miracles are coming soon to the U.S. These miracles will induce a spark of revival that will engulf the areas in which they happen. These great miracles will
start in 2 places, in the South West and somewhere on the East Coast. Beware of false teachers and people that are negative and have violent spirits. They will cause a spiritual war on every side of you. Be strong and do not focus on your circumstances. Focus on the author and
creator of your salvation.

Jesus Christ, He is on the throne and He is about to do something huge in the U.S.

John Jenkins
Generations Church

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