Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Releasing Revival in Our Churches

Releasing Revival in Our Churches

I'll say it. The church is STUCK IN A RUT. Everywhere I go with some modifications it's the same old thing. Not that it's bad, it's just plain stale. God is not the God of the Stale. I don't have to be a prophet to know that. He's the one that said, behold I do a new thing. BUT we don't. We stick to the the tired and true. It's pretty much a few songs, a sermon and an offering. Maybe a little ministry time. Maybe a quick shot of communion. BUT nothing fresh, nothing new.

I was privileged to be part of a few Prophetic services at Crusaders Church. They were really fresh. Edgy. Great stuff.

Why? Because they were bold. Not a one man show.

Then based on those experiences I began to think a little creatively and some of the things I have experienced over the last few decades that stuck with me. Here are 28 off the top of my head. I'll bet there are 128 more.

We can do better than 3 songs a lecture and an offering. How about skipping the lecture and try doing this. I can tell you prophetically that God is fed up with the one man show.

  1. Prophecy General meeting. As long as it's not a one man show. Let the Prophets Prophesy. We don't know what God has for us because we make sure his spokesman stays seated and silent.
  2. Personal Prophecy - destinies are waiting to be released. Special time of one on one ministry declaring the word of the Lord over every comer. This proves to be a powerful time.
  3. Healing of the Body - People need healing. If you promote it, people will come out. It gives us a chance to share Jesus with them. Let's do it. Call for the sick the dying, the lame, the halt and dead. Release the captives.
  4. Impartation of giftedness - Find people who are in your congregation who need to be called out and released. Release the gift in their life. Lay hands on them. Let the Holy Spirit flow into and thru them.
  5. Restoration of purity, intense repentance and forgiveness. People have sin they have never dealt with, time to bring freedom to those living under the accusations of the devil
  6. Spiritual Baptism - People need a fresh touch from God in the Holy Ghost. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is more than Speaking in Tongues, it's power to be a witness.
  7. A call for water baptism - If people are not baptized iin water, have a special time. And have some renew vows in Baptism.
  8. Pure Evangelism times - Instead of a teaching - a true evangelistic outreach that people can bring the unsaved to.
  9. Release of Ministries - Certain people in every church have a ministry, sometimes underground, that needs to be seen. Bring them forward, lay hands on them, commission them, embrace, endorse and send them out.
  10. Release from accusations - People are falsely accused. They must lay them down. Bitterness will eat them. Set them free.
  11. Relational restoration - Have times when people can intentionally come togetehr with one another and forgive.
  12. A night of a Pure Koinonia meal, the true Lords Supper - Eat a meal as a church in the sanctuary (if you can) and make it a communion time. See how they did it. Teach house to house communion. Take the mystery out of the communion service in favor of building the Body of Christ.
  13. Deleting memories by the Spirit of God - Many people have memories that haunt them. There is a Holy Ghost delete button. Help people find it and push it.
  14. Finding a New level of Joy of the Lord - Intentional Joy. Something new and fresh that causes outbreaks to true joy. Not a comedian. A reason for the Joy within us. And release it.
  15. A fresh washing of the Spirit by the Word - There are confessions that we can speak over one another that will wash us. It's more powerful if people speak them to each other. See Apostle John Eckhardts Never Again's for example.
  16. Answering unasked questions by the Word of Wisdom and Word of Knowledge - People have issues, decisions, direction. They don't want your opinion. They want hear by the gift of God. Do this. Trust God to be faithful to use those among you who are full of the Holy Ghost and Power.
  17. Anointing of Wallets, Checkbooks for increase - I know of many who have been in dire financial shape who really need increase. This works. I've done it.
  18. Laying our bills and debts before the Lord - See what Hezikiah did when he was facing certain ruin. We can do the same.
  19. One on One communion for Families for Unity - Sometimes taking communion as a family. Father serving his children and wife is a powerful time. It is a unifier.
  20. Discerning of spirits and deliverance of people from them - Many people are bound up in an evil spirit and need to be delivered. DO it. All that are oppressed of the devil. There are pills offered on TV for relief from depression. GOD knows how to do it better.
  21. Calling in provision according to the Lords Prayer - We can go to God directly in apprehending the provision he wants to give us. He wants us to ask. SO<>
  22. Claiming our Children according to the Promises of God’s word - Wayward children and even small children are of great concern to parents. We can help speak hope over those lost ones as parents stand for them
  23. Breaking off curses handed down over the generations - Many families suffer from generational curses. They need to be broken. They need to be handled.
  24. Repentance for very difficult sins and hurts received and given - Some people carry so much guilt over a very profound sin, or hurt they got or gave. There is hope. There is forgiveness and restoration. Offer that.
  25. A time for impartation of supernatural faith - People need to access the GIFT of faith for things that are beyond believing. If we can give them an impartation they can hang on to, they will be able to see what they hope for become substance.
  26. A time for the Release of Supernatural miracles - Some things are beyond hope. They need a supernatural miracle. This is NOT for healing. Healing is the Children's bread. This is for something that they almost dare not hope for.
  27. Release for Dreams and Visions - It's a promise. Dreams and visions. We need to offer release in these areas.
  28. Declaration of protection from evil - Some people are pursued by an evil they can't define. Help them come to grips with dealing with the evil in their lives. It's insidious. They don't have to be victims.

These are some that came to mind quickly. ONE CAUTION. These should be an EMPHASIS of the service you are conducting. Not an appendage. Not an afterthought. Not an altar call after stale service. Be careful NOT to make it wrote or like every other service. Sure a time of Praise and prayer will set the stage, but be careful NOT to just step into a new rut.

We can do better Church. WE can be LIGHT and SALT to the world around us.

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