Thursday, December 23, 2010

Joshua and the End-Times Army - a word for 2011 by David Smith

Joshua – the 1st mention of Joshua is in Exodus 17:9.
Joshua was an unknown before this verse; however, by the
use of the name, in its context, you can see that Joshua
was already a trusted person in the sight of Moses – the
Man of God.

In Exodus 17:14, there is an indication that the Lord
sees Joshua as the next in line for command & leadership
for the children of Israel. Indeed, after the death of
Moses, Joshua took over and led the Children of God into
the Promised Land.

This journey into the land (that the Lord had promised
Abraham and Joseph) began with the taking of Jericho – a
stronghold of the enemy. Most people do not realize it,
but the name Jericho is mentioned 12 times BEFORE the
book of Joshua. In the Bible, the number 12 is used as a
perfect number, signifying perfection of government, or
of governmental perfection. It is found as a multiple in
all that has to do with rule.

Jericho must be the one stronghold to be overcome before
the Children of God began to rule in the land that the
Lord had promised. The fall of Jericho sent echoes of
foreshadowing throughout the land. As a result of the
conquest that began with a shout – the Lord’s Army, led
by Joshua, swept through the land with supernatural power
– as long as the commandments of the Lord were kept.

The only setback for the Army of the Lord was when there
were those that chose to disobey the Words of God and lay
hold on the things of the world: fine garments, silver &
gold (Joshua 7). A household of the followers of Joshua
had chosen to seek after the things of the world (much
like Ananias & Sapphira did in Acts 5) rather than obey
the Words of the Lord.

Eternal rewards have much more lasting value than the
temporal rewards of this life. But, when believers of
God see with the eyes of Eve instead of the Eyes of
Christ, the fall will always happen. Perhaps, that fall
will not occur in this life – but there shall be loss
when the ways of the world are chosen over the ways of
the Lord.

This is the time of the year when words are set forth for
the coming of the New Year. In recent days, the Lord has
whispered – multiple times – the name of Joshua.

Hear ye, the Word of the Lord –

Moses, my servant, is dead. Now, therefore, arise, go
over into this river and unto the land which I have
already given to my Army – every place that the soul of
your foot shall tread, I have already given to you. There
shall not be any who shall be able to stand against you –
for as I was with My Mighty Men of God, I shall be with
you. I shall not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Only, be
very strong in the Strength of the Lord – and be of good
courage. Be vigilant & observe to do according to all of
My Word; turn not to the left, nor to the right, that
thou may prosper (have a good journey) whithersoever thou
shall go.

Let not the Word of My Mouth depart from thee; meditate
therein day & night; let it be to thee as the breath of
thy life – that thou may do according to all that I have
commanded and thy way shall be very prosperous and thou
shall have good success.

Now, my Army – Hear ye the Word of the Lord:

“Go; shout & run and take back the land!”

Lay hold on Jerusalem, & be God's Arrow

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