Thursday, December 2, 2010

"The Lord that is" by Apostle John Eckhardt

The LORD that is faithful
The LORD that maketh all things
The LORD that smiteth
The LORD the GodThe LORD
The God of Hosts
The LORD the Judge
The LORD thy God from the land of Egypt
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee
The LORD thy Redeemer
The LORD which hallows you
The LORD which will help thee
The LORD your God which goeth before you
The LORD who tellest my wanderings, and puts my tears in a bottle.
The LORD who delivers my soul from death, and my feet from falling.
The LORD who performs all things for me.
The God who send forth his mercy and truth.
The LORD who breaks the teeth of the lions.
The LORD who laughs and has the heathen in derision.
The LORD who gives a banner to those who fear him.
The God who sets the solitary in families
The God who send a plentiful rain, and confirms his inheritance.
The God who prepares goodness for the poor.
The LORD that gives the word, and sends a great company to publish it.
The Almighty that scatters kings.
The LORD who ascended on high, and led captivity captive, and received gifts for men.
The LORD who daily loads us with benefits.

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