Thursday, May 21, 2009


By Kriston Couchey as posted on Open Heaven

The state of the kingdom is strong! The state of the kingdom is unshakeable! The state of the Kingdom is Righteousness, Joy and Peace in the Holy Spirit. This is the state of being of its citizens. The Children of the kingdom have join as one, and are forcefully advancing the kingdom that is crushing and turning to chaff the governments of men as Daniel foretold. The increase of this kingdom has no end.

The citizens of the kingdom have every need supplied according to the riches of the Kings glory. While men’s systems of finance and greed crumble and shake, we kingdom citizens have no fear or anxiety in the least. The king has opened His treasuries and everything that we may need is ours for the asking. We do not worry about what we wear or eat, we are anxious for nothing. We have made our requests known and are having our needs met in every way. The "super" natural resources of the kingdom are endless and there is no lack.

Universal health care is a right in the kingdom. Coverage is provided free of charge as the premium price has been paid already by the King. The Spirit gives life to the mortal bodies of the kingdom, and Each citizen is indeed a health care provider themselves, first to other citizens, and then to those who are not citizens. The clause in it's constitution that says: "lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” is in full force.

The King Himself is educating personally all in the kingdom by means of the Holy Spirit. The anointing of His Spirit will teach each child everything they need to know to be a treasured citizen (son) of the kingdom. While He speaks through men at times, and uses them as both good and bad examples, there is no need that any man teach us.

Before the foundations of the world each citizen has been known and it has been determined beforehand the good works given to each to do. These jobs will be the most fulfilling and joyous to those who chose to follow the desire of the king and pursue these greater works destined for them from eternity past.

Each member of the kingdom is part of the army of God. There is no doubt of victory as all are more then conquerors through Christ Jesus. No weapon formed against us will prosper. The battle is won through rest and confidence in the king, as He fights our battles for us.

It is strict policy that anyone that is thirsty may drink freely from the fountain of life located in the kingdom. All who come as a child may enter and become full citizens (sons). There is no quota or limitations, but it is the king's desire that all would come to enter His kingdom.

All citizens dwell in complete peace and security. No arrow, no pestilence or darkness can overcome us. Our king shields us. No plague will come to our dwellings and we will tread on Lions and Dragons.

The political structure is a work of perfection. There is only one Political Party, one eternal President (called The King), no expensive or negative campaigns, without propaganda and deception, and no lobbyists. There is total freedom and life. There is no recession, no government buyouts, and no control over one’s free will. The law is love, and no one is hurt or affected negatively by it.

Every promise is Yes and Amen in the constitution (scripture), and is given to the citizens (sons) of the Kingdom. This kingdom is not shaken by the economic, political, ethnic, or religious upheavals of the earth. As these increase we of the kingdom can lift our heads up even higher and shine with a glory even brighter and glorious. Our Joy shall know no bounds in this day of transition as the God of Peace crushes Satan under our feet. Our God is a shield and fire about us and we have overcome the evil one.

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