Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fresh Wind

Growing up in North Dakota I got used to the wind. Sometimes not.

When it blew it cleared the air of smoke, smog and other things that weren't supposed to be there. Sometimes if it blew really hard it took down old, worn and weak things that needed to be replaced.

There's a fresh wind that is blowing, it's blowing all thru lives, churches and even our own minds.

It's cleaning out the old.

Even as we sleep the wind of the Spirit comes in and cleans out the cobwebs. That's why the best part of the day, the time when we think most clearly often is early in the morning. The wind blew through.

Sometimes the wind is frustrating, we want calm, sometimes we bat against it. But HE is faithful to continue to change us.

Come Holy Spirit Blow on ME!

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