Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Word of Prophecy from Steve Andrews

All things are made new
There is a realigning and a continuation of the changing of the guard. All things are made new--a new year--and a new start for many people and ministries. A chance to wipe the slate clean and start over again. No need to plow and look back, just keep tending the soil and you will reap a harvest!

New mantles
New mantles are dropping down from Elijah's chariot. If you are there (in the Lord's Presence) when your mantle falls, then you will receive a double measure. Be persistent and vigilant. Keep oil in your lamps!

New Giftings
A greater reliance on the Holy Spirit is required now to fulfill the kingdom mandates. Spiritual giftings will be more necessary in the area of evangelism and discipleship. There is an acceleration in the spiritual realm. The bride can only be prepared for the wedding by the nature of Jesus Christ, and His nature is found in the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. A wave of one billion youth is being ushered in and they need the giftings of the Spirit. In this way they will know that we serve the true and living God and they will be encouraged. Youth evangelists will be given a greater place of leadership in the body and as they are faithful in little they will be given more. A new season of dreams and visions is given to us. We are called to see with His eyes and hear with His ears.

A Spirit of Worship Released
A Spirit of worship is released to the church. "Enter His courts with praise, and into His gates with thanksgiving." A new joy is found by whoever enters in. The joy of the Lord is your strength. This will carry many through the economic struggle and they will overcome.

Behold, I give you a new name...
Many of the rewards spoken of in Revelation 3 will be released early. Many will receive "a new stone...a new name." These are given to help us bear much fruit and they are to be treasured as part of Christ's nature, something which is good and useful. When we are sure of our identity in Christ, then we are empowered to serve Him. The Lord is saying, "Receive your identity now!"

Spiritual Scientists
I saw a group of "spiritual scientists" in long white lab coats. They were experimenting with their spiritual gifts such as word of knowledge and healing. They were mixing solutions in test tubes and were finding successful antidotes. The message here is that it isn't wrong to "experiment with God" and share what we believe to be genuine words from the Lord, even if we're not totally certain as to the accuracy. He wants us to find "perfect solutions" to people's problems however it may take some "imperfect trials." This is how we learn to hear the Lord's voice and operate in divine healing, through trial and error. John Wimber laid hands on fifty people before anyone was healed.

Bowels of Compassion
I saw the body of Christ learning to love from the heart rather than from their head. I saw people exchanging true love rather than mental assent. As Jesus said, "Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters." Many will learn how to walk in the Spirit to a greater degree. This will create more genuine relationships and then miracles will occur. This will be a corporate activation of walking in the Spirit.

Inner Healing
The ministry of inner healing will be vindicated this year. People who were previously demon-possessed will be emotionally healed giving their testimonies and vindicating all the false accusation against inner healing ministries. They will receive a greater acceptance so they can fulfill the mandate of healing the bride so that she is no longer walking on crutches but rather carrying a sword in her hand.

China will play a greater part in world evangelism and will send out hundreds of missionaries even to America.

"Thus says the Lord, Your labors are not in vain. I have anointed you and I take pleasure in your prayers and you are not contending in vain. You will see the fruit of your labors come to pass in this generation."

South America
I saw revival fires all over South America especially in Venezuela, Columbia, Argentina, and Brazil.

Pray for continued angelic protection over Israel and Jerusalem. Pray for the Spirit of truth to prevail, that the true Messiah would be revealed. That intercessors and evangelists would be commissioned and empowered, that ministries would be funded and protected. The apostle Paul prophesied, "All Israel shall be saved."

The Economy
We are forced to trust in God like never before, which is a good thing! These trying times will produce a close-knit family. People will find out who their true friends are. Many pastors who are hoarding will lose their flocks and the sheep will scatter. Many pastors are being asked, "Why do you serve Me?" The good shepherd will lay down his life for the sheep. What the enemy has meant for evil will only result in a unity like we have never known before. A unity that will be blessed with love, joy, and peace! A unity that will nurture revival in many cities and nations. Churches and people who would never have fellowship will now embrace each other and minister together. The lost will see this love and be drawn to it. Awesome times of harvest are ahead. Glory and power are being released!

Christ in us, the Hope of Glory
I saw a man kneeling in prayer and Jesus was behind him observing. Then he walked up and transposed Himself inside the man and began praying through Him. The man's prayers became anointed and impassioned, filled with conviction, tears, and joy. Jesus wants us to allow Him to live and move and have His being inside us through contemplative prayer and worship. The prayer movement will pick up on this and pursue His Presence prior to His purpose. In some circumstances, they will see fruit right away and rejoice. There will be great inroads in prayer and great joy. They will see years and years of intercession "come to fruition" before their eyes. And they will carry the Presence with them...

For His Glory,

Steve Andrews
Worship Keys Ministries

PS: I have not consulted with any other prophesies for this year in compiling this. I'm actually glad I never had time to look them up! There is only one word from Crisis Response Int'l I would like to agree with, that we should continue to pray for mercy over the city of San Francisco, that it would not be devastated with earthquake or tsunami. "Mercy rejoices over judgement." This is more urgent than most of us know or want to believe.

Hat Tip to Kelly D

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