Wednesday, October 24, 2012



As I Was waking up from bed this morning, I had a vivid experience and encounter with the Holy Spirit and it was very strong in my spirit as the word of the Lord came onto me thus:

“There is a day of RECKONNING, there is a day of REWARD, and there is a day of RECOMPENCE….. These are the days!”

Then the Holy Spirit began to testify strongly to me that at this time He is about to visit His faithful children who have been toiling and labouring in the kingdom; He is about to repay them!

Have you been serving the Lord, sowing your seeds with tears? Have you been rendering good and worthy works without receiving due honour and recognition? Have you been doing it right and nobody seems to be paying attention? Does it not seem as if people do not appreciate your worth and your work? Has it been occurring to you as if the Lord has forgotten your faithful and obedient service? Cheer up, your season has come!

When this word came to me this morning I was excited in my spirit and it was such an incredible feeling and then I told the Lord ‘If indeed this word is coming from you O Lord, show it to my wife as well!”. Of course she was on bed beside me. I was quite sure I’d heard from the Lord, just needed some confirmation and not a fleece as it were! After praying that simple prayer I waited for some few minutes and was ready and eager to hear my wife tell me that she also got the revelation from God! Yes indeed, it was so: I tried to wake her up and then tried to narrate my experience and then she interrupted me and told me what she’d heard from God some few minutes before I awoke her! The Lord did answer my prayer and confirmed His word. She told me of how God just showed her that He was about to bless His people handsomely and awesomely. She said it was like a dream or short trance and she heard it clearly but it was quite unbelievable. Then I told her that I’d asked the Lord to show her the same thing He revealed to me. Faithful indeed is the Lord.

Before I close this prophetic exhortation I want you to read with me a portion of Scripture:

“After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying, Fear not Abram, I am your Shield, your abundant compensation and your reward shall be exceedingly great” (Genesis 15:1).

All I was led to do this morning is to encourage the elect servants of the King, fear not for thy salvation draweth nigh and thy abundant compensation and reward is at hand; thy labour shall not be wasted. Compensation comes as repayment for loss or damage and Reward comes as payment for good work done− they are all yours. If you agree with me and receive this word, blessed are you. We shall all celebrate together, for these are the days! Shalom.

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