When we study out the Scriptures in the Word of God, we see a consistency of supernatural aid that was given both to the nation of Israel in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament Church through the agency of the prophets and the angelic hosts. We can easily see that the angelic realm often aids in the fulfillment of the prophetic word that is shown to the prophet. As God's word is released, the angels go to work to make it come to pass.
We see nearly forty references to the work and ministry of angels related to the help and development of the kingdom of Israel in the Old Testament. This alone would be enough to establish the reality of angels, but the New Testament continues to expand our understanding of these powerful beings sent from Heaven. Although the New Testament is far shorter than the Old, we see that they are mentioned over one hundred and sixty times. The four Gospels are filled with references, and the Book of Acts speaks of six specific times that angels ministered to God's people. Two powerful verses can be found in the Book of Hebrews in reference to their abilities as well as their mission.
And of the angels He saith, "Who maketh His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire." Hebrews 1:7
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Hebrews 1:14
If there is one thing we are learning more and more in this hour, it is that Heaven is backing up every step that we make and every word that we speak as His Church advances His Kingdom on the earth. The Bible clearly shows us in the Book of Amos that when He is about to do something in the earth He will first reveal it to His servants the prophets.
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7
The prophet simply conveys to the people what the Lord has shown him will come to pass. The timetable of the word's fulfillment is often left open because it was not shown to the prophetic voice, or like in the case of Daniel, was held up for twenty-one days as the angels fought in the heavens to make a way for Gabriel to deliver the word to Daniel. I believe that this is what takes place more often than not: a war on words. A war over God's prophetic word being established and made reality on earth.
Delayed Prophetic Words
With all of that said, I wanted to share a dream that I had recently
over a prophetic word that has been delayed for a few years, but I know
will begin to play out in the coming months ahead and on into 2013. I
have always had great respect for Bob Jones; in fact, I believe that he
is one of the leading prophetic voices in the earth today, and the
consistency of his prophetic gift has been shown throughout many years.
Many of his words have come to pass over the years giving us a clear
picture that God is still speaking to us today through the prophetic.Just a few nights ago, as I went to sleep I was given a dream where a messenger angel came and spoke a word to me concerning the state of Ohio and the surrounding states. In this dream, the angel made this following statement to me, "I have been sent by God to deliver a message concerning the state of Ohio and its present condition. As Ohio goes, so goes the nation! God says it is the time for Gulliver to begin his travels." The angel made direct reference to the word that Bob had released in 2005 entitled "Gulliver." He said that this word has been delayed for a time, but will surely come to pass shortly. In addition to what will begin to happen in this coming season of outpouring in Ohio, six other states will be affected: Indiana, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Illinois.
As a result of this outpouring, God is going to begin to fulfill His prophetic word over that land. There is such great destiny in the state of Ohio because there are seeds of greatness within the people. Every time I travel throughout the state, I can sense the brooding of the Spirit, ready to release a fresh outpouring. So much prayer has gone up over this state for many years.
There is a powerful prayer group in Hamilton, Ohio. The founders are two passionate Believers that are well into their nineties. They have met every Wednesday for over fifty years praying and proclaiming revival over the land. While I was with them just a few weeks ago, you could feel a tangible glory as we came into agreement over the nation and what God wanted to do in the land. God is on the move and Gulliver is waking up. God is releasing His awakening angels in Ohio to awaken the sleeping giant.
There is no lack in hunger for outpouring in Ohio and there will be no lack or delay on the promises of God. We have held and been a part of many powerful meetings in Ohio, but I believe it is nothing to be compared with what we are about to see! The state motto for Ohio is, "With God all things are possible," and although some in the government have tried to change that over the years, it still remains the same to this day.
With God All Things Are Possible
In closing, I wanted to share one other significant encounter that
recently took place while ministering in Cleveland with my good friend,
Munday Martin. On a Sunday morning as we began to minister to the
people, a young man who was not serving the Lord stepped out to have a
cigarette. As he sat outside, his eyes were opened to the realm of the
Spirit and he saw a man in white linen walk into the church. To say that
he was shocked would be an understatement. As this happened, many miracles began to take place inside the church. I want to share one that I believe attests to this visitation. A woman who was not born again gave her life to Jesus after receiving a healing in her shoulder and back. She cried as she testified to the goodness of God. She had attended church for many years, but never surrendered her life to God until that day. I believe that this is just an example of the role the heavenly hosts are going to play in this coming harvest.
We are in a season much like Genesis 18, where God is sending His heavenly hosts to deliver the message to the seed of Abraham. They are looking for tents to dwell in. They are looking for houses of worship that are making room for them to stay. I believe that many churches in the state of Ohio are going to see a great increase in the angelic realm, and in turn, see a great harvest of souls in the coming days. This is the hour of the fulfillment of His prophetic word over the land. Gulliver shall begin his travels. Laugh not, for it shall surely come! Remember what the Lord told Sarah: "Is any thing too hard for the Lord?" Again I tell you, with God all things are possible!
Charles Shamp
Destiny Encounters
Email: info@destinyencounters.com
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