Friday, October 26, 2012

Prophecy regarding the Consequence of the Upcoming Election

Those who believe that this is going to be a landslide for Romney don't know history very well. Reagan was an anomaly. Carter was the worst president in the history of the USA. Reagan didn't beat him, Carter beat himself.

People talk a big game of hope and change for Romney, but the electorate is always chicken. The devil we know is better then the devil we don't know. OH, it's clear. I will cast my vote for Romney. He wasn't my first choice, but he is the only choice now. I will encourage others to do the same. This election is about the cultural and moral free-fall that has accelerated in the last decade. Perhaps a moral man of principle, even if he is a Mormon, will set a new standard for the nation.

I cannot and will not support any politician, republican or democrat who supports abortion and planned parenthood, supports homosexual marriage and the homosexual agenda (don't ask don't tell repeal), has furthered the attack on the freedom of religion and a support for Islam in America. I won't even mention issues regarding our economy or our national security. Those are not the issues that a vote for Obama would cause me to go against everything I believe in. A vote for him is in essence voting for a continued future of an ungodly agenda. Sadly many people will vote against their conscience, knowing full well that they are spitting in the face of the one who saved them out of that mess. They will return to vote for sin like a dog returning to it's vomit (As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly Proverbs 26:11). Supporting things they know are simply wrong morally and against the word of God.

There will be a price to pay when they do. It's a spiritual law. Reward and punishment will be exacted in the spirit. They are calling it down on their own heads. I know this is a hard word and many will take offense. That which offends the mind, reveals the heart. God is about to check your heart.


Vincenzo said...

This brought me back to the Scriptures when the mob chose Barabbas over Jesus, even though Barabbas was a criminal. I wonder if the later destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans was a consequence of this.

Anonymous said...

I can't vote for either. Are there really people who think Romney will win by a landslide? I'm amazed at the prophetic split about who will win the election. I can't wait for all this to be over. It's not good for anything. I pray there will be no recount and no riots. In other words, I pray for mercy. There is so much hanging in the balance.

Anonymous said...

What I am looking forward to is Mike Pence in 2016. He is a wonderful and Godly man!

margaret said...

I haven't liked Romney in the past 4 years and only recently, after the primaries and especially the Ryan pick, have I come to like and respect him. Although part of Mormonism (which I dislike), I believe he is upright and moral and a decent guy. I have read all the "who is Romney when no-one is looking" stories of his quiet kindness and generosity to people in need and I am impressed. He's someone, like President Bush, who will be a good Comforter-in-Chief, like Obama is totally unable to be. Prophecies (if they are true), point to an adult, Reaganesque, new government. What a change that will be!

There is a story circulating about something that happened at the Red Rocks, Colorado event a few days ago. It smacks of truth, an eyewitness account which gives a ray of light into who Romney is. Believe this account or not, but it's touching.

"And enough people notice that the area gets a lot more quiet, and they are trying to watch the governor without looking like they are watching the governor. They can all kind of tell something is happening right then. It was described as something very peaceful and powerful that came over that backstage area for a moment. And the governor, he lowers his head and his eyes shut tight and you could see him take a slow deep breath and then he lets it out and says quietly, but just loud enough for some to hear, “Lord, if this is your will, please help to make me worthy. Please give me the strength Lord.” And then his eyes open up, and he’s back to smiling and laughing and shaking hands and being the candidate once again."

Anonymous said...

Those of us who really do know our history are not surprised at all that Romney will win and win big. Yesterdays's Gallop numbers showing a stunning 15% swing away from Obama in 2008 to Romney today tells the tale. Not one single, solitary group that voted for Obama in 2008 is voting for him in the same numbers today. Whereas there are a huge number of people concerned for their nation that will crawl over broken glass to vote this election. The monster Chick-Fila turnout was a "hint", as well as the huge 2010 blowout. The 1994 and 2010 monster GOP blowouts were both in response to the nation rejecting what they saw in the first two years, from newly elected far left/liberal administrations.

anewcreation said...

I have taken the liberty of posting this post on my blog in the hope of raising awareness about the coming election and also because I feel there is much insight into what you share.

I hope you don't mind.

Many thanks.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess we'll see in just a little over a week!

Anonymous said...

Here are some very hard numbers that confirm a Romney Blowout.

Colorado early voting totals: 244,263 Republicans, 225,850 Democrats, 149,877 Independents. Note that Romney has had a huge lead with Independents in every poll. These are blowout numbers.

margaret said...

I remembered last night that there was more to the Romney "prayer" at Red Rocks story. The whole thing comes from the Ulsterman site, from White House Insider, who is a political operative. It could be fiction but it smacks of truth and stirred my soul - the thundersticks, Romney's prayer, the sound of thunder. I'll give the link to readers can judge for themselves.

Fallout said...

Anonymous said: “I can't vote for either...” October 26, 2012

I found this a week ago and thought about it when I read your statement.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that link. My issue with Romney is actually not just due to the Mormon thing. I also do not fully trust his character (he wavers around too much for me). I will be voting this election on other things, however. I live in a state with a marriage referendum, so I will certainly vote on that!

And for the record, I do not think Obama is nearly as bad as many make him out to be. He deserves our prayers and we should all have been/be writing him to stand firm in Biblical principles. If he had enough prayer cover and the right spiritual advisors, he could have been/could still be a good president.

Anonymous said...

This prophetic word from 2008 was dead on accurate.


God spoke to me that after George W Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever. I'm going to say that again. God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever.

As of the writing of this e-mail we are now less than two weeks away from voting for our next president. At this time the polls are strongly showing that the Democratic nominee for president will easily win the White House.

Now in 2006 I began to ask the Lord, "Is that guaranteed to happen in 2008?" He spoke to me very clearly and gave me the key words to what I believe holds this election in the balance right now. He gave me these key words that can forever change what is about to happen in America.
He said, "It depends on the Christians."

I am not going to endorse a candidate, nor am I telling anyone who to vote for. I am simply sharing what God has shown me.

I had a vision earlier this year. I saw Barack Obama in this vision. He was speaking to a large crowd and being broadcast on television. He was speaking incredible words of unity, peace, and bringing all sides together; the words were elegant, the words were comforting, and the words were inspiring.

But while he was speaking I saw all a powerful spirit of violence coming out of his spirit feeding into the spirits of those that were hearing him. That spirit of violence was directed at anybody who opposed what he was saying. Those who heard his words and received it had the spirit of violence being implanted inside of them. It was a rage like I have not seen before.

Read the rest here: 2008 Obama Prophetic Word

Anonymous said...

I do not see a powerful spirit of violence in President Obama. I do not agree with his stance on abortion or same-sex marriage, but do not think he has a powerful spirit of violence. I think he is misguided and I think there are MANY powerful spirits at work in government. I saw Bob Jones mention a "mesmerized spirit" in a recent video and my spirit bore witness to that. I think many (including Obama) are in bondage to this "mesmerized spirit." I know I was.