Thursday, August 16, 2012

Prophecy given by Kenneth E. Hagin Feb. 2003

[I like to reprint from time to time this timely excerpt from Dad Hagin's powerful prophetic word given 7 months before he went on to be with the Lord. We would all do well to heed it].

Many are concerned about the future and they wonder what will happen. Will darkness overtake, or will the light shine bright?

Yea, saith the Lord of hosts, remember that you’re in My hands. And remember that I know the future better than you know the past–and all is well!

I will alert you concerning that which will affect you. I will show you the way to go, and you’ll walk in it and be blessed. Above all the people of the world, upon the earth, you shall be blessed. For thou art My people, and My people shall rule and reign. And the blessings of God will fall upon them.

The latter rain shall be poured out. Yea, upon nations that are now barren and void. But the rain will be poured out. The seed will be planted. The harvest will come. The glory of God will shine upon the earth.

And they of the world will walk on in the way in which they’ve walked! And the darkness shall overtake them.

But ye shall walk in the light! The entrance of His Words giveth light! Walk according to the Word. Walk in the Word. Walk in the Spirit.

And the power shall rest upon you. And the glory of God shall be seen upon your face! Many shall turn to the Lord. Great days, great times, great blessings are ahead. So rejoice and be glad.

Many are concerned about things that have happened, the terror that has taken hold of the hearts of many. Many are concerned about war. Many are concerned about the future. Darkness seems to be developing. Dark clouds are on the horizon of time.

But, yea, saith the Lord of hosts, walk not by what you see with the physical eye. But walk according to what My Word says. Walk according to what the Holy Ghost is saying unto you!

For He’s speaking unto many hearts. And they walk on in the natural and pay no attention to their heart. He’s speaking to many spirits! They walk on in the realm of the mental, thinking their own thoughts, planning their own way.

But, yea, saith the Lord of hosts, listen to what the Spirit is saying to your heart, to your spirit. And what He said to you, act upon it! Act upon it! Act like it’s so!

Rejoice and be glad. In the face of adversity. In the face of seemingly natural defeat! Because you have inside information, information inside the Word, information given by the Spirit.

And it shall all come to pass. Amen.

We pride ourselves in being a Word church and Word people. And right and good. For it is true, saith the Lord, you are a Word people.

But do not forget that you’re also a Holy Ghost people—spiritual. Yes, the Word goes forth. But again and again, the Spirit has endeavored to move in your midst and you’ve ignored Him, and you’ve kept quiet.

Some have yielded temporarily to the Spirit. For the Spirit seeketh to manifest Himself. He’ll manifest Himself in revelation, revealing unto you through the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, the discerning of spirits.

And He’s endeavored to speak! For He does speak unto His people by the Holy Spirit. By tongues and interpretation, by prophecy. And many have held back and would not speak out. And by so doing have quenched the Spirit, and have not only quenched the Spirit, but have grieved the Spirit.

Yea, listen to what the Spirit is saying. For there will be an outpouring of the Holy Ghost in these latter days. The latter rain–the early rain and the latter rain to gather in the fruit of the earth which He is waiting to receive before He comes again. Yea, it’s coming!
... [Specific Words for years 2003 - 2006 skipped]

So rejoice and be glad. The enemy is a defeated foe! Jesus has triumphed. Victory belongs to everyone. No one should come up empty–handed, but everyone should walk in full victory, commanding and demanding their rights and privileges in Christ Jesus . . . demanding nothing of the Father–He’s the One who made the provision. But demanding of the devil, who is endeavoring to thwart the plan of God, who is endeavoring to keep it from coming to pass.

But it will all come to pass. It will all come to pass at last.

And the Holy Spirit has spoken unto a number of ministers here tonight. And He’s spoken to you in times past. He’s told you exactly what to do. You have not done it yet!

And you wonder why He withholds certain things. You wonder why it’s tough, or the way seems rough. Go ahead, listen to what the Holy Ghost is saying.

Make your church not only a Word church, but a Holy Ghost church. Put the Word first always. Move in the Holy Ghost in line with the Word.

And the glory shall be made manifest. The glory shall even be seen by many. And the blessings of the Lord will flow like a mighty river. Thank You, Lord Jesus.

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