Saturday, September 12, 2009

Don't evangelize with anything but what the Lord reached you with

How, did you come to Jesus? By fearing hell, by being convinced that you were really bad, that you were a toad?

I don't think so.

You came most likely as I did because you knew life was empty and going nowhere. That without something different life was all over. You were lost.

You know how that felt. I do.

Then a light shown in a dark place, deep in your soul. Hope called out to you. You began to believe. You said yes and things began to change. Slow. Sure. But change, and for the better.

Then you found yourself loved, safe, amazed.

That's how it was for me. I wanted HOPE. And it came. His name is Jesus.

So, let's evangilize people like HE evangilized YOU and ME. Offer Hope.

They don't need a prophet to tell them they are terrible rotten sinners. They do need one to offer them HOPE. Jesus.

And, that is the word of the Lord to me and maybe to you.


Ron McK said...

Important point.

Anonymous said...

I have recently had very similar thoughts.

For instance, it suddenly became clear to me that John the Baptist did NOT say 'repent, and avoid the fire of hell', rather, he (John the Baptist) said, 'Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven (Jesus) is near.'

And so, my recent thoughts were that the focus should be, and remain, on Jesus, and the atonement He offers. We who are searching and willing to receive Truth are aware enough of our shortcomings and sins, hence we ARE searching for forgiveness/release/renewal/revival/restoration.

And if we who are sharing His message don't focus on Him fully, and instead focus in on fire and brimstone and our sinful condition-- some people, and particularly young children, might become motivated by fear of the 'or else you might go to hell', instead of receiving Truth with, and in, love, and with, and in, a sincere desire to know and love Him.