Thursday, March 13, 2014

Last Temptation of Christ

I had never seen the movie, "The Last Temptation of the Christ".  It was on Sundance TV in the motel I was in.  I was going to pass... but then again I thought, I wonder what all the hoopla was years ago?  So I watched it.  Bad acting.  Willem Defoes as Jesus?  HUH.  It was based on a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis.  Martin Scorsese film.  Kazantzakis also wrote Zorba the Greek (a movie I always enjoyed "teach me to dance".)  

OK, pretty raw, and the nudity was edited out.  BUT I did NOT find it offensive in it's concept.  I doubt it's credibility.  But IF we are able to handle the Humanity of Jesus as well as His divinity we have to deal with his human side... that he was true man, and was in the desert subject to temptation even thought he didn't fail.  He resisted as a man, not as God.  Just so you know where I come from on this, the humanity of Jesus is really hard for people to grasp.  In teaching this I tell them Jesus Pooped.  That is hard for people who's theology is messed up.

We do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet he did not sin.  Hebrews 4:15

It was actually pretty sound in it's theological bent.  Some so called "Christian" movies are not so sound. 

I don't recommend you watch it, it's not the Jesus in your Sunday School fliers, don't face this without a sound understanding of who He is.  Yet... it is worth considering.... how tempted WAS Jesus?   If it wasn't tempting it can't be called temptation.   I like food, but I am never tempted to eat Limburger cheese.  Therefore it is never a temptation if presented to me. 

Jesus was Tempted in EVERY WAY you or I am.  EVERY WAY!!  Yet He overcame, He rose in Victory over Death and the Grave.  He destroyed the curse.  He is King of Kings.  He is seated on the throne in Heaven.  And all our hope is in HIM.... it is well placed.  All has been accomplished.

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