I have been studying the nature of how God uses a Man or Woman or a Couple to accomplish his purposes. How those of influence are in the spotlight for a while and then God moves on.
In fact in studying the way it seems to work, there is little biblical evidence of being able to pass on the kind of leadership that God institutes. Sure there are a few examples, Elijah and Elisha... David - Solomon, but many fewer than you would imagine.
It seems as if God raises up a Man (I'll use the male connotation, but He uses women too) and causes the spiritual nature of the times to change. That powerful man of God is placed in a time and circumstance where obedience causes greatness to emerge to lead to higher levels.
This all came to light for me today as I contemplated the story of Gideon, the 300 and the eventual return to Idolatry that the nation experience. You can read it in the Amplified as I did and see what I saw.. Judges 6-8
What is most interesting is Gideon had 30 sons (and supposedly several daughters) none of which were anointed or able to pick up the mantle God had available. After the death of Gideon Israel fell away.
In our modern day many ministries have thrived under greatness, men used of God to change everything. However the next generation was not able to sustain the anointing and call on the Man God had chosem. Destiny comes from on high. He always uses a man or woman. Not a board. Not a denomination. Not a group... but one man who people look to as a representation of God's grace released on the earth. I used to say, nameless and faceless. Its true in influence, but there is always a man (or woman)
Oral Roberts. Jim Bakker. Smith Wigglesworth. Martin Luther. John G Lake. William Branham. Kenneth Hagin. Lester Summerall. Where are the scion's of these men of God?
Even in prior generations. Finney, John Calvin, George Whitfield, Johnathan Edwards, Evan Roberts, WilliamSeymour, Charles Parnham. They seem to have no kin beyond themselves who made a difference..
It's not that they wouldn't have loved to pass it on to their progeny .. but there is little record of success.
There are exceptions where God DOES use the next generation, but not in the same way. Joel Osteen does not carry the same mantle of his father. Franklin Graham doesn't carry the same anointing his Dad did. Remember Liberty Baptist church? Who is there now? TBN is about to discover this truth.
What this says to me is; your ministry destiny be to be a call from God. It has to be ordained first of HIM and the perhaps recognized by others. IF the call is legitimate what others recognize is insignificant. Your call is your anchor.
We all know the saying, God has no grandchildren. It's even more true in the ministry. Just because a man brings a great move of God, it's unlikely anyone will be able to continue it. How many great ministries from 60 years ago are still alive? One generation and POOF. It's not that God lifts his hand, it's that the potential for people to gravitate towards a man over God.. that is disallowed. Our God is a Jealous God.
Once many years ago when a great man of God, a musician died in a plane crash. I admired him a lot. Met his widow. I said something that I regretted later. I said, "Father allowed this so the admiration and following he had would be disbursed greater into the world". I don't actually believe that...but there is evidence to support the idea. That is what happened in 72 AD. The Diaspora... and from it the spreading of the Gospel over the whole earth.
IF you are one called to be a world changer, be about your fathers business, if not be content to carry out the great commission the best you can. There is no shame in not being one of the few that God calls out to change a nation. I know a few... but many fewer than you would imagine. Many have greatness for a while. Yet like Solomon the son of David who carried on.. many seem to move out from under the call of God.
It's still happening. Don't get too comfortable with the anointing and appointing of God in your life.. he giveeth and he can taketh away.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
This should be a confirmation to you. Yesterday and today I heard 300 I rmebered davids mighty men hoe at one time they may have been considered the worst of the worst yet God did great things with them.. Over the course of the day I heard many bring a big ministry to full capacity, instead of seeking out who is to continue on from that point. Many pass them on to their family it fizzels dies out or loses all momentum.
While to some small degree some men may legitamatly have a son or daughter that may step into that place it is because I destine it for them. This is a small percentage of the time where the family was to continue with the ministry in the same capacity. So when momentum is built people are amassed and men try to pass the ministry on to their children rather than seeking me and seeking out the one prepared for that place.
They refuse and I must start all over again at that time I knew it had been happening along time but time is short and running out.It caused major and eternal damage to saints and stopped fresh revelation and teaching from those God had taken years to prepare for that spot.
I remembered several years ago watching a national minister selling food I heard Ministers are merchandising other ministers this disrupts my plan and by them seeking to create gain for themselves disrupts the flow of my ministries and hinders my saints. With that came I felt a heavy grief and a sense of how severe and offense it was to God. I knew that judgment will take many by surprise in the end... I also heard ministers are merchandising ministers. in an overwhelming majority of my churches their are one maybe two ministry gifts for the most part 4 are made merchandise of and one office is taking the majority of provision and security and leaving the rest to be used by them and fend for themselves...
So although it is not as exact as yours since it was heard throughout a day of listening and subject to your approval but it seems you heard much the same. Thank you for posting what you did I surly wondered if God was speaking to me and why this ?
This should be a confirmation to you. Yesterday and today I heard 300 I rmebered davids mighty men hoe at one time they may have been considered the worst of the worst yet God did great things with them.. Over the course of the day I heard many bring a big ministry to full capacity, instead of seeking out who is to continue on from that point. Many pass them on to their family it fizzels dies out or loses all momentum.
While to some small degree some men may legitamatly have a son or daughter that may step into that place it is because I destine it for them. This is a small percentage of the time where the family was to continue with the ministry in the same capacity. So when momentum is built people are amassed and men try to pass the ministry on to their children rather than seeking me and seeking out the one prepared for that place.
They refuse and I must start all over again at that time I knew it had been happening along time but time is short and running out.It caused major and eternal damage to saints and stopped fresh revelation and teaching from those God had taken years to prepare for that spot.
I remembered several years ago watching a national minister selling food I heard Ministers are merchandising other ministers this disrupts my plan and by them seeking to create gain for themselves disrupts the flow of my ministries and hinders my saints. With that came I felt a heavy grief and a sense of how severe and offense it was to God. I knew that judgment will take many by surprise in the end... I also heard ministers are merchandising ministers. in an overwhelming majority of my churches their are one maybe two ministry gifts for the most part 4 are made merchandise of and one office is taking the majority of provision and security and leaving the rest to be used by them and fend for themselves...
So although it is not as exact as yours since it was heard throughout a day of listening and subject to your approval but it seems you heard much the same. Thank you for posting what you did I surly wondered if God was speaking to me and why this ?
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