This Prophetic Blog has captured a reality:
I am combining two posts together here. The first is related to a news item on the National Christmas Tree dying and what it symbolizes. The second is a personal account of my foray into bread-making. There is a sense in which these two stories are related as the book of Genesis recounts the story of Joseph storing up grain to provide bread for the people in a time of world crisis and famine. Although Joseph fed multitudes, the chief focus of his God appointed ministry was to preserve a “remnant” alive.
Genesis 45:7
“God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance.”
I will save a further telling of Yahweh’s directions for me to store up grain at this time for an upcoming blog. I am sensing that the time is near at hand for a remnant portion of the body of Christ to pass through a wilderness experience for their perfecting and refining. The sign spoken of here is one more testimony of the hour in which we live.
National Christmas Tree, Washington D.C.
This morning, Cinco de Mayo, May 5th, 2012, the National Christmas Tree is being removed from the Ellipse near the White House. This tree is being uprooted from the earth because it has died due to what is termed as “Transplant Shock.” Transplant shock is a term to describe the trauma associated with uprooting a tree from one location and planting it at another. The tree that died had been in place for only a year, having replaced the National Christmas Tree that died on 2011. That tree had stood for 33 years until high winds associated with a winter storm toppled the tree on February 19th, 2011.
There is significance to this event. Consider how unusual it is for the National Christmas Tree to die. The tree planted in 1978 stood until 2011 when a great wind blew it over. This tree was carefully replaced. The selection of a replacement was done carefully, looking for a very healthy tree, and the transplanting performed with great attention to detail. Yet, for a second year in a row the National Christmas Tree has died.
Read the whole thing
I first read about the tree in a news article and moved on, but then something in me told me to go back and read the article again. I sensed, just like you, that the event was significant as in prophetic - and not good for America.
Just ridiculous... This country is a mess.
-Oscar Valencia
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