Monday, November 30, 2009

Prophetic Warning for those Called of God to Minister the Gospel of Christ

This morning I heard the Lord say (and it is for ME as well as any who will read this):

Keep your eyes on me. You have let things of the world distract you. Some are distinctly BAD for you. Some are simply worldly pleasures that on the surface are innocent. But they can take you from me. Create distance you choose, not Me.

Those distractions are not from ME. I didn't send them to you. Some are deceptions of your flesh, some from the world and some from the Devil. Do not assume that they are better or worse because they are just from your flesh. Or the world. Those can be as dangerous as the ones from the devil.

IF they take your eyes away from being doves eyes you will be hurt. And you will hurt others.

And you hurt yourself. And your ministry.

Flesh driven appetites, pleasure, World driven Politics, Economics, Sports, Entertainment (even Internet and TV), and the Devil's lies, half truths, bitterness, anger and temptations are all roadblocks and detours from my purpose for you.

None of these comes with a warning label. You must have the gift I gave you in discerning what is diversion and what is from me.

My desire for you is to finish well. To be what I called and equipped you to be.

Anything less is less than my best.

Watch for the little foxes. They are the most deceiving of all.

I love you too much to keep silent. Will you have ears to hear......?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is God's timing always so perfect...?

Just in time.