Thursday, November 12, 2009

On being a Friend - True and Faithful

For some reason God has blessed me with many friends. Many true. Many worthy.

And, he has put me in the place where I am friend to many who need friends. Many in leadership and industry are alone. They need a trustworthy friend who will stick with them.

I somehow have been put in that place.

I will carry the torch of friendship for these men and women of God. I have learned not to be overbearing. I'm not trying to change them. That's Holy Spirit's job. I am trying to let them know it's hard but God is Good.

As a prophet, being a Friend to people who need a friend is where I live today.

So, I will. I will be discrete, supportive, trustworthy and non judgemental. It is what they need in the battle. I will warn and encourage. I will offer Holy Ghost insight.

I will believe that whatever I say will be a confirmation of what they already know.

It's hard to be a visible leader. They are constantly under attack. If I can offer a listening ear and an encouraging word, Maybe that's enough.

Lord Use Me.

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