In John 14:12 the Lord said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father." Jesus demonstrated this with His life, and this is what He has called us to walk in. It is a high calling, and such authority can only come from abiding in the King who is above all rule, authority, and dominion. So our primary goal should not just be power or authority, but the One who has all power and authority. Even so, at the end of this age, His Body is going to demonstrate His power and authority to prepare the way for His coming Kingdom.
This summer I was given one of the most powerful dreams I have ever had. In this dream, I was given authority over all natural laws. I did not have to obey the law of gravity, but it had to obey me. Except for the dreams I've had of being before the throne of God, or seeing the Lord, I have only had one other like this, and it too was about doing the "greater works" that Jesus said we would do in His name. The first dream in which the Lord taught me about this authority came nearly twenty years ago. As Joseph told Pharaoh, the repeating of the dream twice means that it has been established by God (see Genesis 41:32).
After the first dream, I only experienced what was in the dream one time, and it was for encouragement that the dream was a real promise. After the recent dream, I know that the time is short when we will actually walk in this authority. We are about to experience the greatest move of God ever upon the earth and the greater works that Jesus promised.
Before the end of this age, there will be some who say to mountains "be plucked up and cast into the sea" (see Matthew 21:21), and the mountains will obey them. This must be done to prove that His Word is true. There will be those who see every miracle Jesus performed and even more. Some are already growing in authority and will one day walk in authority over every disease or affliction.
Unity of His People
This authority of the Kingdom will coincide with the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached. One basic characteristic of those who walk in this authority is that they will be in unity with one another.
This authority can only come from abiding in the King, and those who
are rightly joined to the King will also be rightly joined to His Body.There is no greater adventure one can have in this life than the true Christian life, and there are no more exciting times to have ever lived on the earth than those we are entering. Even so, the greatest miracle of all will be the unity of God's people and their love for one another. The miracles will be exciting, but the unity and the love that makes it possible will be even more important and more wonderful. Above all things, and above seeing great miracles, we must pursue loving God and demonstrate this love for Him by loving His people.
From the time that there were just two brothers on the earth, they could not get along. One basically said, "The world is not big enough for the both of us." People, clans, and nations have been in conflict since. When the Church matures and becomes what she is called to, it will be in such unity that the world will marvel. The Lord Jesus Himself prayed to the Father in John 17:22-23:
"The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You did send Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me."
As we see here, the glory that will be revealed on God's people as in Isaiah 60:1-2 and other places is so we can be one. When this happens, the world will know that Jesus was indeed sent by the Father, and that He loves us just as He loves His Son.
Those who experience the glory are bonded in a special way that is hard to describe or understand until you experience it. The glory simply erases the pettiness and lack of forgiveness that separates so many Christians. It is by beholding His glory with an unveiled face that we are changed into His image. Our first calling is to be like Him, and our second calling is to do the works that He did. If we are like Him, we will walk in love, and when we walk in love, He can trust us with the power. For those who walk in love, it becomes the greatest treasure that allows us to be who we were created to be—the image of the One who is Love.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
Email: info@morningstarministries.org
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