Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What Father Wants FOR us and FROM us

I have become convinced we don't understand God's best intentions towards us.  This morning in dealing with an issue I heard from the Lord..

"My desire is that every son and daughter alive today become all that I intended them to be.  That they fulfill My destiny and purpose in them. I designed them to do so.  I never destined My people for defeat, discouragement, failure, despair and uselessness. 

It has always been my will that I give good gifts and that those gifts are used to expand My Kingdom.  I cannot expand my Kingdom by people in constant want, poverty and pain.  Pain will come, want will happen, poverty occurs, but it is not My best.. you are to be the Head and Not the Tail.  Lend and Not Borrow.  Able to provide for those who have not yet entered into the fullness of what I have for them.

The enemy lies to you that you are more Holy when in poverty.  That is not the case.  You are Holy because of ME.  Now lift up your heads, look to My deliverance from not only your spiritual poverty, but your physical poverty.

I WILL supply every need according to My riches in GLORY... and they are vast.  More than you can Possibly IMAGINE, THINK and what you may even be afraid to ASK for.  Yet, ask.. trust, use the gifts I have given you.  I never waste a gift.. don't you either."


Valorie Thomad said...

Excellent post!

Unknown said...

Amen! I receive it!

Kathy said...

This post is so fitting as my Mom passed into the gates of Heaven on Thursday. She left behind for her children all the gifts that God has given her and I will never ever waste a one of them. God is awesome and his gifts are bountiful.