Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kris Vallotton: Five things you should know about the devil that your mother never told you

1- he knows the Bible better than you do and he will use the bible against. It's called a religious spirit.

2- he loves attention, therefore the greatest weapon we have against him is called "ignore."

3-He never says, " I am the devil, I am about to deceive you." He's insane but he is not stupid.

4-he has no new ideas, his whole arsenal is rooted in getting you to be afraid. When you fear him, you believe him, and you give him authority in your life that God didn't give him.

5-contray to popular opinion, he can confirm his false words through other people. So if you get a bad word (thought, dream, vision, etc), he can confirm it through giving other believers the same bad word about you. So if the word has anything to do with; KILL, STEAL, OR know the origin ....even if there is 10 confirmations. Rebuke it and go on.


Anonymous said...

religious spirit-The Word is good for rebuke correction and instruction in righteousness. ? Not everyone knowledgeable in the Word is possessed with a religious spirit. That's insane.
So if the word has anything to do with; KILL, STEAL, OR DESTROY.THis is where we need to be very careful! Jesus said that but it is also written If any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy. Also Paul turned people over to the devil for the destruction of the flesh. IN REALITY THERE NOW SEEMS TO BE SUCH AN IMBALANCE IN UNDERSTANDING SOME HARD THINGS ABOUT THE WAY GOD MOVES AND SOMETIMES CHOOSES TO WORK IT IS ALMOST DECEPTIVE.
his whole arsenal is rooted in getting you to be afraid. Although this comment holds truth. Deception really has nothing to do with fear. I think perhaps this man would do well to listen to a whole lot of dereck prince teaching.

Anonymous said...

2- he loves attention, therefore the greatest weapon we have against him is called "ignore"

WHAT the bible says be wary of our adversary He seeks to Kill Steal and Destroy. Paul said we are in a war. Who is this vallton guy?

Anonymous said...

Look when I was a young in the Lord a respecter of persons my leaders right flowing most all the gifts other leaders mighty miracles submit right. Submit right do what they say. well I am barely alive to tell you.DO NOT override your conscience seek God on every single point have peace before moving accepting or even rejecting. I don't care what they say. TEST ALL THINGS and HOLD to that which is good doctorine directions in the Lord are all things pertaining to life. This is not rebellion it is hard learned wisdom. Paul said heresies must be so ! So that those approved may be manifest. There are three sources of info God Ourselves wether it be our carnal mind or thoughts of our own heart and the enemy. If some person minister or not unbeliever or servent of satan starts spewing err over you God tested Israel concerning false prophets. They don't need to be a prophet to put you in err. Break every negative spoken word over you and your life in the name of Jesus do not accept packages not from God himself done in the guise of Him.And if it is servents of satan then you need to seek God Get permission to die don't role over and die. Even Paul told a false prophet let the hand of the Lord fall on you. Get direction move in affection for God but don't ever forget we are in a war that God himself desires to Win both within ansdthru His people ! I sure hope this vollton guy isn't training prophets based on this post.The concept of war staying free and fighting for Gods people seems well beyond what his understanding is Here.