Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lance Wallnau posted this from Rick Renner, and now I do. It's worth reading

“HAVE YOU EVER HAD AN INWARD UNEASINESS or a lack of peace that you later wished you hadn’t ignored? As believers, we must learn to pay attention to the lack of peace we feel in our spirits. Sometimes that “inward disturbance” is God’s way of alerting us to something important or of telling us that something isn’t right.”

“God is faithful to speak to you, but often His voice can be heard only by what you sense in your own heart. If you sense peace in your heart, it could be God’s voice telling you, “You have a green light, so you can proceed.” On the other hand, if you have a lack of peace or an inward disturbance, it could be God’s way of saying “Yellow light, so move with caution.” It may even be God telling you, “Red alert! Stop! Something is wrong!” The Holy Spirit is so faithful to warn us when the devil is trying to plan something destructive against us. If you and I will learn to listen and trust His leadership, we’ll be able to circumvent most of those demonic attacks.”

“So I encourage you today to ask the Lord to help you keep your eyes on Him and your heart soft and sensitive to His leading. Just something for you to THINK ABOUT today!” --

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I the end of june 2011 I told pastor iw was thinking of stepping down from my job to deal with my health it was about over anyway. (construction my conscience was bothering me ) the reply NO don't do that believe God for the same money year round and healing full restoration. I overrode my conscience now I was somewhere I sould not be I am pretty much crippled now every since conscience inward witness Sons led of the Spirit pretty much makes undercpver doctorine absolete except for the order of offices which is also a matter of being spirit led.