Thursday, August 25, 2011

Percolating in My Spirit: Kingdom Invasion by Paula Main

You may remember last March, the US attempted to launch a satellite. The rocket was a Taurus (sign of the bull) rocket and the satellite being launched, to orbit the earth, was named "Glory". It is interesting to note that our market has the symbol of the bull on it and we can see the finance of the nation is not as healthy as we would like it. There is also some historical evidence that the symbol for Baal is also a bull. The initial launch of this climate study satellite was successful but because a shield did not properly deploy, there was an inability to achieve enough velocity for orbit. It fell into the sea. A $424 million dollar taxpayer funded diving expedition! I felt the Lord saying that the ancient spirit of Baal was trying to get glory "over" the earth, with finance but it would be a failed attempt and his "marching orders' and launched attempt was going to fail, abysmally and embarrassingly.

What is perking in my spirit? I feel a Pentecost sort of outpouring that will bring a reformation to the ecclesia. There are going to be mountain invasions and "baptisms" in business anointing by God that are going be of such a magnitude as to confound the wise of the world. Some of these will be given to uneducated, untrained and those that man judges as unqualified. The Lord looks at the heart remember. The goal is to greatly prosper in the market; create and transfer wealth for kingdom invasion. The Lord will forth-tell, give ideas, witty inventions, sovereign know how, and genius. See Proverbs 8:12 (KJV). Angels of finance and wisdom are being released and assigned. Some of you may just awaken knowing what stock to buy, at what price and for how long to hold it. Others will awaken with witty inventions that will be market sensations overnight! Many will start businesses in spite of the restrictions and conditions of the free market and they will have the bless of Abraham upon them to prosper with all they set their hand to. If you work for someone else and there is a concern about the business surviving the downturn, the biblical precedent to use in intercession is to respectfully remind God that He is no respecter of persons and as He prospered Laban for Jacob's sake, He can also prosper the business you work for your sake.

An ability to access the treasuries of heaven is opening, to manifest the salvation from poverty, lack and curse that the enemies of the Christ and the cross have levied upon God’s people. God gets glory over Pharaoh in the book of Exodus, not by leading the Israelites out of Egypt right away, but by judging the demon gods and their economic system and holding the Israelites in the midst of it, harmless. If you think about it, the plagues ruined the Egyptian’s livestock, fishing, agriculture, diminished the people resource, inheritance and pleasures yet the Israelites remained largely unscathed in the same land. The Israelites and the Egyptians, are another picture of the wheat and tares side by side.

God even gave his people gold and silver; jewelry and things of value from the Egyptians. The economic downturn in Egypt must have at the very least been a recession but perhaps it went into a full scale economic depression. No harvest, no fish, no livestock to eat or breed, people must have had to use their wealth to survive and even to help their business survive the downturn. How many businesses folded? It takes time, effort and resource to restock rivers, livestock, food, and people resource. The economy, from such a ‘market plunge’, must have taken some time to rebuild. In the book of Exodus, God’s people were in Goshen, a sheltered place and our Goshen is Jesus Christ. That death angel has to pass over and must again and again and again in all areas of our lives. The Egyptian army was decimated by the judgments of God and by the rod of authority that Moses raised to part the waters. The nation become not only economically but militarily weakened.

Pharaoh’s pride could not let him see his army was being led into a trap with no escape. Your circumstances are also a set up for victory and a trap for the evil one. The root of a poverty spirit is a spirit of death. Is that not the enemy's goal for us? As we display the blood on the doorposts of our hearts, lives and circumstances and partake of the Lamb and the Word and dig in, the victory is enforced. Anywhere in my life the promises of God are not evidently made manifest, I am being robbed for I know what Christ redeemed me from. He came to give me life and life abundantly. So many people are "just inside the church, hanging on”, waiting for Jesus to return and rescue them. That is not an "overcoming" lifestyle!. I know my Lord paid for my life in the here and now to be a redeemed overcomer and live in His abundance; subject to the rule and reign of Christ, not circumstance or a spirit of fate. Does that mean I think I am going to be trouble free? Emphatically no. It does mean I have the ability to withstand and overcome in some form, any trouble that comes my way if I am alert and attuned and responding to God with obedience. Father knows best after all. Is there anything more intimidating to Satan than a mature son of God who looks and acts like Christ; is highly trained, locked and loaded and knows what to do when a “break in” to their sphere occurs? How about even going beyond that and moving into pre-emptive offensive warfare? (Don't try high level offensive warfare at home alone because it can get dangerous! The enemy is not playing and presumption can get you sent home prematurely. It takes highly trained teams of saints, a work of the Lord led by the Spirit and Godly submission to authority in right Apostolic alignment to move in this level of offensive and punishing warfare.) I can hear the army of God arising and they will not move off task. God has not changed and again will get glory over Pharaoh but this time on a territorial, national and eventually, a global scale.

Jesus came to redeem every area of our lives. Downloads (or would that be uploads?) are about to be released. The enemy thought he had God’s people penned in for easy devouring but God has other plans in place.

The Lord is pulling on the Godly heritage and “7 Mountain” anointing in our DNA inheritance from our ancestors, to magnify and multiply and to bring forth what had been stolen from us and our forefathers. He will bring that forth and magnify it for He is a God of increase. He has given us all things pertaining to life and Godliness. I am pressing in for all of it back with seven fold recompense! Our God is a just judge and a God of multiplication and increase. What are those promises for if He does not want us staking claim to them and getting militant about seeing them enforced? Some may think they are just for the by and by. I don’t need all the promises for victory in the by and by where things will be fully perfect and I will be living in the manifested eternal victory. Of what use is “hope deferred”? There will be no disease or poverty or trouble. He gave the promises for our temporary light affliction in “time.” What has been stolen from you and yours? When the enemy is found out, he must repay seven fold. That is multiplied, magnified increase, not addition. I am even placing a demand (demand in a legal sense) on the courts of heaven for the time and the years (and all that should have been accomplished for kingdom) the cankerworm and locust have eaten.

I am feeling God about to break out in all the mountains and turn this nation right-side up. Does that mean all our problems magically disappear? No! Even as Moses was against the red sea crying out to God, the Lord spoke and asked why Moses was crying to him? God expected Moses to raise the rod; use his God given authority and do it himself! God has given dominion of the earth to man and He Himself abides by that. He moves by invitation through His people and by partnering with us. Notice that when the waters parted, the entire sea did not disappear but a "way" through was made for the Israelites. The Way is Jesus Christ and He still is making a way though whatever tries to obstruct His people. Expect unexpected ways and doors to open for you in economics as you speak aloud the Word and the promises into your environment and fill up with faith! We are called to co-labor with God in ushering in the rule and reign of the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

We cannot remain passive this season but must again raise the rod of our authority through the blood of Christ and step into the visions God gives us. We must also be highly attuned to the Father's timing for the right thing at the wrong time is still the wrong thing. We will have to put our hand to the plow in intercession and action and lean in and get out and do it! Whatever vision He gives us, we will have to develop it and work it. God did not use magic then and he will not now.

I have received visions and dreams and confirmation with prophetic drama, of business, finance, and wealth. He speaks to me about me but I know that I know it is larger than just me. I can feel the fire in my bones! Some are forerunners and there is a time that passes before the majority realize the manifestation. The end goal is Kingdom building. The business mountain is what the Lord has been speaking to me about but I feel He is going to bring Kingdom into all the spheres in our culture and society. Right now, in the eternal realm, I see water stacking up into a massive wall of epic proportions. The Lord is soon going to release His flood upon the enemy and you know what happens in a tsunami. When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise a standard against him.

I am very eager to see the results and I cannot accurately define the shift I have experienced, only some of the measurable results. God has ruled in favor of His people. The market may slip but in the downturn of the economy, the righteous arise with wealth and plunder Egypt. If you are losing money now, rest in the faith and knowledge that God will provide for He is our provider. Press in for your strategy. The Word is either faithful and true or not. Get militant and do not be moved off His Word. Your Heavenly Father will be a pleased Papa. “My Word has gone forth from my son and as my son declares it, I look upon my son and cause My face to shine upon him!” (Son is not a gender specific term here but a term used to convey a mature co-heir and part of the Father’s business, and an authority figure in that business). Great opportunity exists in the downturn, for positioning of the saints to proactively raise the rod of intercession (including action) and partner with God to move into and receive the transfer of wealth. This downturn will last long enough for that to happen. As a people, God will see us arise in the salvation He paid for; not just the ticket to heaven.

I feel that what is coming is so large that the enemy has no way to prepare for it, no paradigm for countering it. He cannot out strategize God. The Rod of Moses turned to a serpent and ate the serpent rods of the magicians (manipulators) of Pharaoh. (These devoured serpents were the rods of authority of the occult power of the court magicians.) Even now, God is eating the financial manipulation of the serpent and the dragon on behalf of His people. They enemy will use his fear tactics, and try to pre-empt God by sending some home too early or to lead some off task with distraction, divisions, lying symptoms, and family crises. Watch your words for these give rights to the legalist accuser of the brethren. If you don't know what to say, speak the Word and only that for we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony. May the confessions of your mouth and the meditations of your heart be pleasing in His sight. I don't know how pervasive this outpouring will be but God seems to like using small numbers in the Old Testament to prove the evil one is no match for Him. We have access to the greatly magnified and increased grace of a corporate synergy through our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Be encouraged! I feel something looming very large. I have long felt that God, though us, is going to be coming onto the enemy in all areas with overwhelming force. KINGDOM is about to explode on earth though God’s people!

A Text Ad I received on the 19th
I received a text advertisement about a movie coming out called "Limitless" where a man is able to use 100% of his brain and rises to the top in the business world.

I can see God is pouring out His Spirit on ALL flesh. There is mixture, as I gleaned from the description of the movie but there is also truth. I don't believe in coincidence. God has given us ears and eyes to hear Him.

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