Thursday, July 8, 2010

The day that the devil has most greatly feared is here

By Jeffrey Stewart

The devil's greatest fear is the day the Sons and Daughters of God realize who they are. That day is now here. We are the most heavily armed, heavily protected, heavily blessed, heavily empowered created beings in the Universe. Revelation from Heaven will change our very demeanors and cause how we walk and talk to radically change over the next few months. We will walk in full awareness of who we are to both God and the devil. No force or plan of the enemy will be able to stop us. If the gates of hell cannot prevail against us, nothing the devil tries IN THIS REALM shall be able to resist us, because Jesus is going ahead of us and will use us to establish His dominance and displace the enemy's works, some of which have been in place untouched for hundreds of years. Before Jesus Himself returns bodily there will be no doubt whatsoever that the Lord's Children are the visible representatives of His Throne in the earth realm.

"I am a God of justice. And while I have made provision for forgiveness and mercy for man, none such provision exists for fallen angels. Every wrong they commit against MY CHILDEN is recorded in heaven and this is the day of reckoning. Beginning with when they prompted men to crucify My Son to the present day, EVERY WRONG SHALL BE REPAID against the Kingdom of Darkness. The Law of Sowing and Reaping does not just apply to man. They have sown fear, and now they shall fear. They have sown confusion, they shall reap confusion. They have sown despair, they shall reap despair. For I will repay EVERY WRONG done to my children, says the Lord. This is the day they have most greatly feared"

Psalm 149

6 May the praise of God be in their mouths
and a double-edged sword in their hands,

7 to inflict vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,

8 to bind their kings with fetters,
their nobles with shackles of iron,

9 to carry out the sentence written against them.
This is the glory of all his saints.
Praise the LORD.

Other messages that the Lord has given me can be found at:

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