I had a dream of a job opening in Heaven, and I saw a job application come down to the earth. It was extensive, comprehensive and very thorough! Actually, just to look at the application and to think about having to fill it out was intense and intimidating. Name, address, phone, email, fax, work history, experience, giftings, an essay on why you would be right for this job, and on and on it went.
I saw someone filling out the application, and thereafter it was taken back up to Heaven and landed on the Father's desk. I could see through the Father's eyes as He was looking at this job application.
As I looked at the application, I saw the name on the application: Jesus. It was Jesus' work history, His experience, His giftings, His perspective, and His essay on why He was perfect for the job. I saw the Father's hand pick up a big rubber stamp, and in large, bold black letters He stamped: "QUALIFIED!" across the application.
I awoke and instantly thought of the Scripture in Colossians 1:12..."Giving thanks to the Father, who has QUALIFIED YOU to share in the inheritance of the Saints in the Kingdom of Light."
I was stunned and amazed. HE has qualified ME. He has qualified YOU. When the Father has a job opening in Heaven, we apply for it, and when our application comes to His desk, He sees the qualifications of Jesus, His Son. He says, YOU ARE PERFECT for this job! You are as qualified as Jesus is!
Beloved, YOU HAVE BEEN QUALIFIED by the FATHER! That's all you need to know!
Keith Luker
Prophetic Worship Radio
Email: Keith@PropheticWorshipRadio.net
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