Thursday, September 5, 2013

Going to War Over Pride

Satan's primary tool to cause people to stumble is pride.  It is a demon called Leviathan.  It is a spirit that will stop a person from doing right because of price or force them to do wrong for the same reason.

Reason and wisdom are crushed by Leviathan.  Only honor and pride matter. 

That demon is what is driving the war about to commence in the Middle East.  To be certain, great evil is afoot.  Islamic extremists and a very heavy handed dictator crushing them cruelly has the world's attention.  These conflicts are as old as history.  There are proxy supporters, but no direct intervention.  We must stay out of this.

You can see that Leviathan has raised it's ugly head in the fact that people who would NEVER support an incursion into Syria are now supporting it because:
  • We need to make sure this president doesn't lose face
  • Once we drew the line in the sand, we look weak if we don't act
  • Our national reputation will suffer if we back down
  • Our enemies will celebrate if we retreat

These kinds of sentiments are all over the news. It's the demon Leviathan.  Pride. The demon is driving us to war.

Perhaps it's time for that demon to be cast out, nationally.

We have no business being part of this conflict.  This is not about humanitarianism, this is about pride.

Here's the prophecy, IF we do this thing, and I believe we will, it will escalate tension in the world and will lead to a wider conflict.  Pray that our leaders will get a swift spirit of humility and set aside worldly pride to step back from the abyss.

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