Thursday, February 16, 2012

A book I recommend...End of Days or ???

A book who's release I have looked forward to has been announced. I have read a great deal of the theology behind this book by Ron McKenzie. I have "Known" Ron for a long time and find him to be balanced. The theology in this book is neither PreMillenial (Left Behind) nor pure Preterism as many (including the Catholic Church) teach. This biblical approach to the times and seasons of God and what our role in all that is holds part of the Secret to Provision and Prosperity. You can't prosper if your heart is set on something that already happened or never will. I have not read this yet as published ...only most of it's content. I'm certain there will be a few quibbles, but when Ron describes the Rolling up of the Sky as a Scroll, it is a picture I grasp in the Spirit. I commend this book to you will be acquiring a few copies for friends who have struggled with some of the teachings at both ends of a confusing eschatological spectrum. This is truth:

This new book takes a different approach. It begins with the ministry of Jesus and the sending of the Holy Spirit and ends with the glory of the Kingdom of God. The key seasons and the epochal events that mark the change from each season to the next are clearly described. The key themes covered in the book are:
  • God is not in a hurry, but will take as long as he needs to establish the glory of his Kingdom.

  • We are not as close to the end of the world as many Christians believe

  • Jesus death, resurrection and ascension completed his work on earth. He has accomplished everything necessary for the establishment of his kingdom.

  • Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to establish his Kingdom. The Holy Spirit is the Kingdom Builder.

  • During the Times of the Gentiles, the Holy Spirit has been constrained.

  • The Times of the Gentiles are coming to an end and a new season is close.

  • The transition to the next season will be a Time of Distress as human political power rises to a crescendo.

  • The next big event is the Fullness of Israel.

  • The Jewish people will come to salvation during a time of trouble when the Holy Spirit opens their eyes to understand that Jesus is their messiah.

  • The Fullness of Israel brings great blessing to the world.

  • The gospel will advance with great freedom and power

  • The Holy Spirit will be freed to bring in the Kingdom of God

  • Human governments and empires will collapse and fade away.

  • The Kingdom of God is established through the suffering and service of the church.

  • God may enjoy the fullness of his kingdom for a very long season. Billions of people will come to faith in Jesus.

  • Jesus appears when God’s purposes on earth are complete and the full number has come in to the Kingdom.

  • The people who have learned to serve Jesus will work with God as he pushes out to fill the entire universe with his wonderful worlds and kingdoms.

To purchase a copy the links are on the website above.

1 comment:

Fallout said...

No mention of the anti-Christ and his roll?