Monday, September 26, 2011

Provision and Protection Revelation: Disobedience to the Laws of Grace and Generosity picks our own Pockets

Generosity in all things releases the hand of God. Many people chafe at that reality. That we somehow are above all that now. "Tithing is unscriptural" they say. That's a half truth. Tithing is not a law today, it is a pattern. A pattern that provides and protects those who are his children. IF we choose to be stingy we are asking God to Remove his hand of protection over us. I know the Word Says God loves a Cheerful giver. He does. YET a cheerful STINGY giver is still stingy. If all you put in a buck and the pattern calls for a hundred bucks, you might do so with great joy, but you are still stepping outside the pattern of protection and provision you see clearly in all of Malachi 3 and 4.

For that reason you have pockets with holes in them. Haggai 1:6

A friend explained it as follows, he said that we put ourselves in the place to allow Satan to steal from us:

God has given Satan permission to steal from us because we have given him permission to steal from us, and ultimately God will not, due to self imposed limitations, override our right to choose the god/God in our life. God is not stating Satan ability to do what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants to.

He is stating His character when given the chance. This passage was to make a clear distinction between the two and their intentions for man. Satan steals because he is the god that many have chosen, hence giving him permission in their lives to do what he do. It’s like employing a crooked accountant. You’ve given him access to your accounts (permission granted), trusting him to do good by you but he will only burn you because it was always his intentions from the start.

Without proper knowledge of the truth, we are all potential theft victims.

Take Job, for instance, when it is God giving permission for Satan to come in, (he was given access to Job and all that he had), God took the hedge of protection away and in this instance Satan just did what he is…. He is a thief, a murderer and a destroyer of anything that he touches when given permission to come behind the hedge. Allowing him to come in, will allow him access to one’s stuff, therefore, he mustn’t be allowed in. However, whether we allow him access, or God allows it, Satan will still be Satan, a thief. The only difference is the end of the story…since God expected him to do him, (steal, kill and destroy), God is liable, so to speak for the restoration of man’s goods. God’s reason for allowing Satan access is to prove man’s integrity and to justifiably cause him to advance God’s supernatural Kingdom, here in the earth’s realm. Manifestations of gargantuan proportions, from the hand of heaven, more abundantly than man could have ever done for himself, working according to the earth’s way of doing things. This is man’s right of passage, from an earthbound creature to a heaven bound creature. This is also what makes Satan bow down to the Son’s of God, it is their authentication process. Sadly, though, many people never make it through this process because of their allegiance with Satan, his work in their lives is as an unfaithful accountant that they chose, therefore, God has to allow it. The things that he steals under this arrangement may never be recovered.

I don't really care what kinds of heresies you have been taught about tithing, generosity, giving or any such thing, if I read my Bible right, and I think I do, Jesus said, "Unless your Righteousness Exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees... Matthew 5:20

Righteousness has to do with doing right, being just, generous (look it up). The Pharisees were careful to give exactly the tithe. Jesus commissions us to do better. Even to the holding all things in common.

God WILL NOT pour out on you if you don't POUR IN to Building His Kingdom here NOW.

That may be a church, it may not be. It's whereever you spend your time, money and energy to build the Kingdom. (your breath is a gift from God and you are required to Give that Back too)..tithe plus. You sanction what you support that built the kingdom for YOU. It could even be a media ministry. By your support you are saying, you have helped build the kingdom in my heart and now I will help you build the kingdom in others. Not out of obligation, but out of thankfulness and generosity. Sanctioning by your support.

This is not legalism, this is the truth most people can't face. Your protection, provision and prosperity is in YOUR hands. You can't give to get, you give to release.

IF you have sinned in this area, you can repent right now, like all people do. Repent, turn around. You may not be able to repay. You will be able to start now new.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice and amazing