Thursday, September 8, 2011

Established but not Prospering

Many are well established in GOD. Saved. Headed for heaven. Happy in their skin. Yet they are frustrated. They do OK, sometimes they do well in worldly things, but the things in their lives they see that would allow them to break out are held captive.

It's a comfort zone. It's a place of peace, but not a place of prosperity. Just established. Planted.

I have seen it in ministries that did really well for a time and then hit the wall. Shut down. Didn't die, just stopped growing. Stopped prospering. They silenced or ignored the prophet.

When the prophetic is suppressed or ignored a church, a ministry will stagnate or even die.

Apply good business principles and you can build a God Club. It will have little power. But you can...for a time. Look at the Chrystal Cathedral. Look at the hosts of mega ministries dying on the vine all around the nation.

They lost their life when the prophetic was silenced.

They ignored a key scripture:

“And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, hear me O Judah, and ye inhabitant of Jerusalem!! Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established, believe his prophet, so shall ye prosper” (2 Chronicles 20:20), (KJV).

The problem to prosper in ministry is not about being established, it's about heeding the prophet. Too many people try to rationalize, use reason, logic, use worldly patterns and circumstance to deal with difficulty. The word of the Lord is among them and they don't heed.

There is a reward for that too.

Silence from the throne.

1 comment:

margaret said...

I used to be a supporter of the Crystal Cathedral for many years. I used to donate frequently. I visited the beautiful church with family when we went to Disneyland. I thought about visiting it for their special Christmas play but I never did. One day, in the regular Robert Schuller newsletter, I read something that shocked me. I think he wrote they don't preach about Hell and condemnation. I realized they were omitting one side of the coin completely, the opposite of Heaven and salvation. It made me wonder if they believed all will be saved?! This bothered me deeply and I stopped sending them donations. I saw with sadness recently how the son Robert E Schuller was kicked out by his sister, and now the founder Robert Schuller was removed as head of the church! God has removed his Blessing from that ministry. He will do the same to any church which doesn't please Him. I'm thinking some of the mega-churches will also fall due to greed. God is sifting the wheat from the chaff...