Sunday, May 8, 2011

A dream that's a Nightmare from Nathanael Neuenschwander

I dreamed last night of a time when US employees will be offered an interesting work incentive: a share in a heap of garbage to scavenge from.

I saw a day where something happened causing cell towers to go down, gasoline to become scarce, and towns to be sealed off. In the midst of this, much power over the enemy was given to set believers free from the demonic.

Believers gathered together in homes. The leadership warned against division coming from misunderstandings and deliberate gossip. There was peace and yet an incomplete understanding of how serious things had become.

When that day comes, remember two truths from the Word.
1. Our lives does not consist in having lots of possessions.
2. We can handle wealth, poverty, and everything in between through Jesus who strengthens us.

In the meantime, passionately seek after Jesus to know him intimately; build close relationships with those brothers and sisters in Christ who value the things of the God; and prepare in whichever way the Holy Spirit instructs you.

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