Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The BRIDE must COME FORTH...but first she must want to....

I have this exact experience right now. The other day while praying for a man with cancer I experienced a wave of change, of shift. I don't know where this will lead, but when I read this, I knew my prophetic assignment was about to change. This is from a man named Mark in this middle age. I would that ALL PEOPLE would have this transformative experience. Highlights are mine:

I don't want to offend, or sound presumptuous at all. I hope what I say makes sense. 9 years ago, I got excited about loving God, and started looking for "more". I prayed every prayer I could think about, and was not satisfied with merely existing/working/going to church.

I started answering urges to visit people in the hospital that I barely had any connection to, and healings started happening through those visits. Big deal healings, and I didn't have any idea how to explain it, and wasn't "doing it" for that purpose. Ignorant of it, I was just responding to the Holy Spirit.

Lately I have downloaded 40+ full length messages of Curry's onto my MP3 player, and listen over and over and over. There are a few points that I think people still miss. Unbelief ends up being the default position of 90% of "Christians" today. I have seen cancer healed, that doesn't mean I have a gift. And it doesn't mean it's geographical. Our "experience" is not the judge. God bless you all!!
IF you aren't yet feeling this, I can prophesy that this is what is sweeping...holy discontent. It's time for the BRIDE to emerge in Power. That means everything you were satisfied with in the past no longer satisfies.

COME FORTH......!!

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