The Spirit of God says, "Join in with the prophet tonight and smash open the restrictions that have been placed upon you. Smash open with your praise a ceiling that has been placed upon your finance. Smash open with your praise the limitations that have been placed upon you. Build an altar for the Lord and make a joyful noise, for as you praise you will break open the limitations tonight," says the Lord!
The whole earth shall hear the sound. No, we are not speaking vanity. The earth is crying out for the manifestation of the sons of God. The earth is crying for the knowledge of the Lord that has not yet been revealed, to be revealed through the sons and daughters of the Most High God. The earth is waiting to hear the sound. The earth wants you to keep it in check. The earth wants you to speak to it, to subdue it, to have dominion, to bring forth the resources.
Have I gone mad? No. Is it not true that God sent a prophet to prophesy to the altar? Is it not true that God said to the prophet, "Prophesy to dead bones"? Is it not true that God sent a prophet to prophesy to the wind and said, "Come from the north, south, the east, and the west"? Is it not true that Moses spoke to a rock? Is it not true that he struck the water and the earth obeyed his voice?
Speak to the Earth—Prophesy to It!
God says a new dimension of faith is coming to the sons and daughters of the Most High God. A new dimension of prophetic utterance is coming. The earth is saying, "Will you prophesy to me so I can release the resources that America needs? I will not hear the sons of wickedness. I will not hear the sons of perdition. I will not hear the sons of unrighteousness or unruliness. I will not listen to rebellion." The earth says, "Will you speak to me as Adam had the power?"
The Last Adam gave you that same power back. If you will speak to the fig tree it will vanish. If you speak to the mountain it will move.
The earth says, "Speak to me, speak to me, and I will yield a produce that is greater than you've ever seen."
God says, "I will bring the energy that you need and bring shame to the heathen nations that mock and laugh at the United States of America and the countries that have raised My name up into the air," says the Lord!
Speak to the earth, you sons of the Most High God
Speak to the earth, command it, sons of the Most High God
Prophesy, prophesy, speak to the earth you sons of the Most High God
Speak to the earth you sons of the Most High God
Prophesy to dead bones, prophesy that the earth will yield its source
This is what the Spirit of the Lord said, He said:
"The earth is waiting to hear the sound of the sons of the Living God. The earth has been in bondage waiting to be free, waiting to be free. Creation is crying out for the manifestation of God's sons, God's daughters. This generation has been chosen to do miracles greater than man has ever seen. Stop speaking to the dust—mankind. Stop speaking to carnality. Stop speaking to human flesh. Speak to that which I have given to you. Speak to the wind, the Spirit, speak to the earth.
And God says, "Watch how I will move, and you will prophesy as this prophet prophesied, that the earth shall yield its resources. What is captured and what is hidden in the earth has been for such a time as this. Will you stand still and say nothing when God has given you the power? Strike the rock and water will come forth, and an army shall be raised up. It shall come from the earth," says the Lord.
"Healings that you never dreamed of will come. Healings will come from the earth. There will be a nonexistent disease called cancer; it shall be ruled out within a few years, for what the earth shall bring forth shall destroy the debilitating diseases, the humiliating diseases. For I the Lord have given My Son, and the earth cried out that day, and now a generation stands on the soil of a nation that has been set apart for victory, victory, victory," says the Lord!
All I Want to Do is Prophesy to Jerusalem and Judah: "You Will Live and Declare the Works of the Lord"
Song of Jeremiah:
Nobody seems to care a hell about anywhere
Every place I go they walk away
I prophesy on the one side and they walk to the other side
Where have they gone?
Why don't they listen to the prophet of the Most High God?
I listen to the Lord and I hear His words
I listen to the Lord and I prophesy
Why do they walk away?
They don't care about what I say
But I know that I know that one day He'll come to me and show them
That He is the Lord Most High and what He said He will do
What He said He will do, what He said He will do nowMy name is Jeremiah and I know that somebody will give
Why has the priest of the Most High God taken my hands and chained them in the earthAll I know is that the Lord He wants to bless Judah and Jerusalem
I know that God wants to pour rain on Judah and Jerusalem
Why do they tie me up, why do they take my hands and put me in chains?
Why do I feel so angry when I prophesy and they won't listen
I go one side and they go on that side, when I walk to them they run away
It's as if I am a leper, they don't want to come near me
But all that the Lord wants to do is bless them every time I prophesy to themMy name is Jeremiah and I know that one day God will come to me
And show the people that the Lord is here
And He will raise them up
And all I want to do is prophesy to Jerusalem and Judah
All I want to do is prophesy to Jerusalem and Judah:
You will live, you will live and declare the works of the Lord, you will live
You will live, you will live and declare the works of the Lord, you will live
"Netanyahu, You Will Stand as a Prophet of the Most High God"
Everything He prophesied is about to take place in Israel.
"Netanyahu, do you think you are standing in a place of authority just to rule and reign over Israel? Netanyahu, before you were born, I raised you up and placed My lips on your forehead and told you to go to the nation. And when you do, I raise them up and fight for them.
Netanyahu, you will stand not as a king but a prophet of the Most High God.
Netanyahu, you won't stand as a king but a prophet of the Most High God.
You will stand as a prophet of the Most High God.
You will stand before the people at the United Nations and you will declare the judgment of the Lord upon Iran, says the Lord! Says the Lord!
Do you realize God is speaking to Israel right now?
"America, you are in the way of Russia, you are in the way of Iran. They want to strangle Israel, so they will attempt to do it to you, but it won't come from the outside, it will come from the inside. That's why I want you to gather around the prophet today so you can break that power.
"There will be two significant deaths. This will be a sign that I will not tolerate the spirit of python on this nation!
"Netanyahu, you are Jeremiah in another day and age. But you will stand not as a king; you will stand as a prophet of the Most High God. They'll try to kill you in the air, they'll try to kill you on the ground, but they will never see it in their day.
"Netanyahu, you will stand as a voice before the United Nations. You will stand as a prophet of the Most High God and prophesy judgment to Iran.
"Iran, you have no power!"
I'm saying that before the king of Israel—if you want to call him that—was born, God put His lips on his forehead and kissed him and said, "You will be a king in the right day, but you will not stand as a king. You will stand as a prophet in Israel."
The enemy will not reach them from the outside. The enemy will not reach to America from the outside, but he stands inside—and now tonight we will destroy that power!
Israel, oh Israel, from Nashville, Tennessee, in the United States of America, another prophet prophesies: Judgment has begun. Judgment has begun; judgment not against this nation but against the craftiness of that one nation, that midget who stands cocking his head. Would he defy the servants of God this day?
The Lord is saying, "No!"
"Because of You, I Will Show Them My Mercy"
Song about Jeremiah:
Come to Me, Jeremiah. Come to Me, Jeremiah. Won't you tell Me how you feel?
I know you've said you'll never speak My name again; will you come to Me and tell Me how you feel?
Jeremiah, won't you come to Me right now, won't you tell Me how you feel, tell Me what you feel the way you do?
Jeremiah, I know you told Me you'll never speak My name, though you hurt Me, won't you tell Me how you feel?
And Jeremiah, I know you said you'll shut your mouth.
Remember when you were there with Me as a young boy and I told you that I called you, when you were just nothing of the earth.
Remember I told you that I picked you up and sent you to the earth.
Jeremiah, I know you said you'd never prophesy again and you hurt Me, God says, but I forgive you. Jeremiah, I'll never, never, never, never choose somebody else, because I've placed in you a love for My inheritance.
Do you remember the day that I asked you, "What do you see?"
And I looked into your eyes, your sweet blue eyes, and you told Me you saw the tree.Jeremiah, you said you'd never say My words again.
Will you tell Me how you're feeling now?Abba...
Father, You induced me, You tricked me, You made me prophesy to the anger
Yes, I remember when I told You, "I'm just a youth," I knew I couldn't handle it
So why did You do this and humiliate me?Jeremiah, you did exactly what I asked, and now because of you I'll show them My mercy.
Jeremiah, come to Me and let Me hold you, because one day you'll prophesy again.
Because of you, Jeremiah, I'll hold back My hand of judgment and I will raise them up for My glory again, says the Lord!
Jeremiah, because you took the stripes upon your back, I'll hold back My hand, I'll hold back My hand, and I will bless Jerusalem once again!Jeremiah, open up your mouth, your bones are in pain as you are holding back.
And as I opened up my mouth, my body opened up and it seemed like I was united like an eagle flying in the sky. I could not contain myself as the words flowed out of me and I knew...I had done His will.
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Email: hope@kimclement.com
1 comment:
i usually dont relate to this particular prophets prophecying, but lately he has blosomed out beautifully, and thats how it works, as our spirit moves and we learn to flow in howevee way God leads, lately i its been learning to speak a word in prophesying poetry on other site, i have no room to talk cause my prophesying is on the edge of self doubt alot , but this is a great word prophesying by him
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