The following was prophesied by Bishop Mark Chironna on May 11, 2010 at The Master's Touch International Church in Longwood, Florida:
Word of the Lord: "Believe also in Me. For I see the days of your journey in this season and I hear the cries of your soul. I know the threats of the enemy, for he has come more subtly to you than he has in the past—and it has made you more aware of your need for absolute dependence on Me for victory. For I would have you to operate at a deeper level of intimacy with Me and I would have you consider the sufferings in this season as momentary, light afflictions.
"For an hour is coming on the earth when those who do not know Me will reel and stagger like a drunken man. For I have allowed judgment to begin at the house of My people, and I have seen your warfare, and I have seen those that have come against you in the Spirit, and I have felt your infirmities.
"But allow the love that I have placed in you, My love, to constrain you. The enemy knows no sacred territory. For him, everything is permissible and he will touch even the most sacred places in your life to see and test and examine if you will walk in the love that I shed abroad in your heart. For I know the warfare you are enduring and I know the affliction with which you are afflicted.
"And I have heard the cry of many that have said, 'Lord, how long the night?' It matters not how long the night, it does matter how great your trust in Me is. For weeping may endure for the night, but know this, I am God and there is none beside Me! And while weeping may endure for the night, I want to assure you, joy will come in the morning.
"I Am Going to Sovereignly Deliver My People From this Season"
"I am going to sovereignly deliver My people from this season that has been prolonged; but it will be out of the purifying of their faith out of the furnace of affliction, as it was in the days of Daniel and the three Hebrew boys, as they fought the forces of Babylon and the princes and powers that ruled in that realm.
"I am ultimately in charge and the fire will not harm thee, neither will there be the smell of smoke; for I will deliver you from the fire, as I did the three Hebrew boys, and I will shut the mouths of the lions as I did for Daniel.
"Walk before Me and be thou mature and perfect, for I will display My strength through you even in your seasons of seeming great weakness. For the tribulation you are enduring is proving that My Kingdom is expanding. For I will not allow lesser gods to reign and rule over My people. But know that the power of My Cross is equal to any challenge and the Blood that I shed cannot be resisted by Hell itself. I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions. Walk the walk of faith, you are more than a conqueror," saith the Lord.
Prayer: "Father, I pray that You would attune our ears to what the Spirit is saying to the Church in this hour. I pray You would establish us in Your Word that we might even now recognize that in the dealings and processing we endure, we are in training for our ultimate reign and rule with Jesus in the ages to come. And remind us that, he that endures to the end shall be saved.
"I bless You, Father. Seal this word to our hearts, glorify Your Almighty Name."
Dr. Mark J. Chironna
Mark Chironna Ministries
Email: markchironna@markchironna.com
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