Friday, April 30, 2010

Chuck Pierce: A River is Rising! Keep Moving Toward Pentecost!

A River is Rising!

"There is a river within My people that I am bubbling up now. There is a river within My people that will bubble up and pour out now. Many of your rivers have been filled up with debris. Therefore, over the next several weeks, I will be cleansing you. There is a grace to be cleansed. There is a window to be cleansed. There is a moment that I will cleanse you. Because bacterium like E. coli has been down in your intestines, I will begin to produce clear colons. I will begin to cause your stomachs to be able to digest what I have for the future. My cleansing stream will come forth."

Keep Moving Toward Pentecost!

As we approach Pentecost we must continue to shift our minds and thinking processes toward HARVEST. Watch for NEW DOORS to FORM! To "form" means to develop or mold the shape or outline of something or to give meaning, character or nature to something.

Another way of looking at a forming time is when something is becoming what it will be in days ahead. This includes the conditioning of our mind and body in regard to its mental performance ahead. A forming season includes conceiving, training, and disciplining. This phase denotes the arrangement of the part of a thing that gives its distinctive appearance.

A key Scripture reference about Pentecost time is 1 Corinthians 16:8. Paul purposed to stay at Ephesus until Pentecost, because an effectual door was opened to him for his ministry. Many enemies are behind this forming door, but the Lord says:

"Do not focus on your enemies during this season, but watch the door form and be ready to enter into this new opportunity. I will give you grace over your enemies. I am releasing your new assignment and you will go forth into new mission fields."

Do Not Fear Darkness

God will be sending some of His people into dark structures. Do not fear the darkness. He will give you "night vision" to see a path of righteousness through any unrighteous structure. This will be like moving in the Gulf Stream through normal ocean currents. The Gulf Stream is a warm stream that originates in the Gulf of Mexico, goes through the Florida Straits and then moves into the colder waters of the Atlantic Ocean. God is parting waters! Dark spirits that have stopped us from advancing in certain areas to bring forth the harvest commission of the Son will now let go of harvest gates.

1 Corinthians 16:9 which says, "For a great and effective door has been opened to me, and there are many adversaries," and will become a reality in this season. The Word of God will enter places and groups of people that have been closed or resisted freedom. Demon forces will part like the Red Sea and will be held back while God's children go into their new assignments.

Read the whole thing

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