Friday, March 12, 2010

Crossroads - When you NEED a word from God

Most people do OK when things are going OK.

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

BUT...what of life's crossroads?

There are some. Marriage. Difficulty. Financial situations.

What of that?

Don't go without a roadmap.... you can't get there from here without one. The roadmap you need is a word from God. Sometimes it's a rhema word from Scripture. Sometimes it's a prophetic word from someone. Sometimes it's a knowing. Sometimes a word from God come by an impression of an event around you.

Here's the problem. If you use too many roadmaps from too many places it won't get you where you are supposed to go. I was in Michigan this week. I had a map of Iowa. Perfectly good map. I had been to Iowa. But now I was in Michigan. The Iowa map was great when I was in that place.

I needed a fresh map. An accurate map. A map of where I was at that time. A map of Michigan.

I stopped at a rest area and picked one up.

I got where I needed to go and without too many detours.

That's what a WORD OF THE LORD does. You need a fresh word when you are in a fresh place.

Stop at a spiritual rest area until you get it. Avoids dead ends.

1 comment:

prophecyfire/ D. gansmann said...

Prophet gene you got to check out the stormchasers, real endtime revelation and news, by experienced christian prophetics, of the comming storm jeremiah 25 : 32 join the stormchasers.......the tcs network, here is the road map in- you wont regret.....i urge you to see. prophetic expressions._ thanks