Monday, October 13, 2014

Impatience, the Devil's Leverage

If we look at the story of Ishmael and Abraham,  you see one thing clearly, Impatience will cost you your birthright.  Same with the story of Jacob and Esau.  Hunger and need will drive people into giving away what God had intended for you.

This is important because many of you are facing difficult times and when you really want to, more important, need to hear from God.  You need to know WHEN, Lord, WHEN..   His silence leads to frustration and bad decisions.  I have seen it and so have you.

Gods best may be a month away, maybe a year away.  He isn't cruel, He is Father God, and He does all things well.  The question is, do you have patience, long suffering.  Can you endure delay or will you impregnate Hagar?

For those who have been thru hard times it is difficult to stay steady when things are short, lean, difficult, not as you hoped.  YET Father is saying "let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up". Galatians 6:9

Yet most people can't endure, stay steady, doing what is good, and when the season comes there is no harvest.  It's hard, but that's the word of the Lord.

Hurry wastes God's best.. and always will.  He is working out his PERFECT will in you.. if you become impatient.. He will give to to someone else.. and you will be even more frustrated.

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