Sunday, June 29, 2014

Gay Pride ... will the earth open up and destroy them?

It's Gay Pride day in Chicago. Parade. It will be on TV. Most politicians will participate. There will be abomination. The boy scouts and girl scouts will march in the parade. Simulated sex (and maybe some actual) will be everywhere.

I was grieved by this. Thought of God's attitude towards all this. THEN the word of the Lord hit me...

He said, "Many believe I will open the earth and swallow up evil, send them to hell, put on a demonstration of my disgust for this celebration of sin. I will not.. they are already swallowed up by their hopelessness and delusion. They are already in a hell of their own making. They know it. IF MY people will do more than pray, if they will rescue them from the degradation the enemy has imposed, killing and destroying who I created them to be, that is My desire for them. Be there when their foot is slipping.. and I will give you power to tread on the serpents and scorpions all around them. It's not just for your protection but to trample underfoot the camp of satan in their lives."

Save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. Jude 1:23

I'm not sure I'm ready .. Father is hard on me sometimes. Yet... His heart toward the lost is never changing. I know, I was once lost and someone snatched me from the fire.

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