Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spiritual Breakthru for Obama -- Shirley Carter

A presbytery of National Prophets is critical in this time in our country.  I have a handful that I consult with regularly because I know they hear from God for our Nation.  Too many prophets are good at personal prophecy but are out of their realm when it comes to trying to give a word about national events.  I am often on the phone with, writing back and forth and other places communicating with them.  We don't always come from the same exact theological perspective, but the prophetic does not require perfect agreement in things like eschatology, nature of the Godhead or various spirits.   Some of those things are allowed to be interpreted without affecting the integrity of the Prophetic Presbytery. 

Prophetess Shirley Carter is one such prophet I look to for insight when a word is needed.  I have never met her.  Hope to.  She is gifted in exceptional ways.  She had made an comment that told me she had relieved a revelation on President Obama.  I asked what she had seen.   This was her response.  I believe it to be a word we must hear:

I found myself not knowing how to pray because of varying factors that are crucial for the Body of Christ to grasp. Because I cannot allow emotions/flesh to interfere with what God reveals, I just proclaim what He shares, with added understanding.

In the last dream God gave me prior to yesterday, President Obama was a Christian (that was so emphasized), but he was searching, yet still stubborn, yet having a genuine caring heart.

Factors here:

1. Church did respond with discernment during 2008 election, then did not intercede as they should when He entered Office, neither did leaders admonish Church to do so, just criticize his actions. They did not teach people how to separate the spirit from the man. Many of God's prophecies & will is dependent upon the Church's cooperation & taking position.

2. Many Christians are hoping for some changes that doesn't come regardless of who is in Office, because canonized prophesy must be fulfilled (according to Daniel, Revelation) that effect the entire Babylonian system as we enter more into the last of the last days, requiring His Bride, to truly be anchored in His eternal, unshakeable kingdom (God is shaking everything so that which cannot be shaken, will stand Hebrews 12:28-29).

3. In the yesterday's dream God gave me of President Obama: I saw a spiritual war over him. Today, I realized that though I met the President, he was not standing up as you would expect, but stooping, I had to bend down to talk to him. His heart truly wanted to hear what I said about aborted babies, because it was the Spirit of Jesus compassion for them that came upon me. When I spoke of God directing me to pray for him & his family, he wept & I could feel the spiritual battle scars. Then, when I began to unfold the spiritual battles between God's passionate pursuit to unfold His goodness, vs. Satan doing the same, with people confused as to which is which...the love & authority to release God's Glorious Kingdom came upon me...between that part of him that doesn't want to go that deep, and the enemy trying to keep him locked in deception...I literally saw the war for his soul manifesting.

4. A major key factor for the Church will be to accept Her role in this outcome, and not blame everybody else, in order to work with God to turn the things around that He so desires. There is a level of judgment toward Her and the love of the Bridegroom needing to wake Her up & prepare Her for even more challenging times worldwide. My uncertainty on how to pray was based upon, not knowing how much he is part of the anti-Christ end time agenda, so didn't want to pray for his protection. Although that spirit desires to use him as such, we can rise up to bring TRUE CHANGE.

I saw a video of an Native Indian who had a dream of Obama where he met him, as he spoke, the President started looking in the air as if he wasn't there...when I saw this, I knew it was warfare. Now God has reaffirmed the need to intercede for that which separates him from the deceptive spirits, what I knew to do in 2008, just got weary... This is all I can say at this point, for often God doesn't give me a this is how it will be, but has given me depths of understanding which must be applied.

Hope this helps Gene!


prophecyfire/ D. gansmann said...

I like her dream for it reflects having a heart and underlying theme of respect and hope for the President. Nevertheless...her comment that we didn't separate the spirit from the man I disagree for the " spiritman consist of mind. Emotions. Thoughts and ones beliefs. A lot of us don't agree with his belief and thoughts issues in areas. His actions are straight up not Christian. So I must ask myself What does God Respect?. Does God want any of his Prophets to smooth anythings over? In dream the president is bowed over..he is not standing up for what is right in Christian sense. Spiritual warfare is going on yes.. and God places rulers or allows for his endtime purposes it is said. At end of dream he is turning away his head like not noticing what the wisdom of the elders of this country represented by (native Americans) are saying....exactly what he is doing.

prophecyfire/ D. gansmann said...

I like her dream for it reflects having a heart and underlying theme of respect and hope for the President. Nevertheless...her comment that we didn't separate the spirit from the man I disagree for the " spiritman consist of mind. Emotions. Thoughts and ones beliefs. A lot of us don't agree with his belief and thoughts issues in areas. His actions are straight up not Christian. So I must ask myself What does God Respect?. Does God want any of his Prophets to smooth anythings over? In dream the president is bowed over..he is not standing up for what is right in Christian sense. Spiritual warfare is going on yes.. and God places rulers or allows for his endtime purposes it is said. At end of dream he is turning away his head like not noticing what the wisdom of the elders of this country represented by (native Americans) are saying....exactly what he is doing.

prophecyfire/ D. gansmann said...

I like this dream for it shows heart. She has a heart for the president and a certain respect toward is indicated which I don't kick against. Nevertheless...his spiritman reflects his ideas. Thoughts. Beliefs which are contrary to Christian. There is spiritual warfare in these high places..his stooping before her is his not standing up for what is right. At end of dream he is turning his face away from listening to the elders of wisdom in this country ( represented by the native Americans) this he shows. Ty for this dream..where do we want to go with it

Anonymous said...

This is EXACTLY the same guidance I am receiving from God on Obama. We can help the spiritual battle he is experiencing by PRAYING for him. He has a good heart (much better than many who have been in office before him). He is just weak because there are so many influences. WE HAVE TO PRAY. My personal prayer that I try to pray daily is simply that God turn his heart back to Him and that God speak CLEARLY and LOUDLY to him. I also pray that his relationship with Netanyahu and Israel be completely restored. I have also written the White House as well as a Christian Congressman to try to get Obama to ground firmly into the Christian faith. He has a good heart. We must also remember he is a civil rights lawyer. The rhetoric of civil rights law predisposes him to see gay marriage and abortion from the perspective of civil liberities. This is how I was raised. It's a misperception that has to be removed (this is best done carefully and through prayer).

Thanks for this post, Gene!

Anonymous said...

Oh and I also saw that video on the Native American's dream. The interpretation is obvious. It is a spiritual battle and Obama is worn down and fatigued. He is in danger of becoming a puppet. He needs to renew his mind and spirit by turning to God and God's word.