"Listen, America, listen – as the storm rages, as the winds come depicting that which is happening in this land, so as it dies down, one more thing that shall be revealed. Listen; watch as I will expose that which is yet hidden in this next week." And we will listen as you raise up Your light upon this nation. We pray, we pray, pray, pray for Your protection in the Northeast now – no destruction, no more destruction.
Prophetic Song:
"My light, My light, is shining all the way to you. My light, My light is shining to you." God says, "My light, My flame is coming to you, America. My light, My light shining all the way to you, to you, to you. My light, My love, My joy is shining all the way to you. My light, My light; I'm kissing the darkness, breaking it down. My light, My light, My light – break down the darkness. My light, My light, My light shining all the way to you, to you. My light is shining all the way to you, to you; My light is shining all the way to you, to you.
"My light is shining all the way to you, America. The nations of the earth are crying out for My light. They're praying in a dark place; therefore, My light, My light is shining all the way to you, to you. My light, My light, My light is shining all the way to you, to you. My light is shining all the way to you, to you. My light is shining all the way, My light is shining all the way; My light is shining all the way to you, My love." That's what He calls you. "My love, My light, My joy. America, My love, My light, My joy."
"A New Well Shall Be Dug by a New Generation"
It's a spiritual principle that I'm teaching you right now about what
was dug for us. I'm not speaking to you as an individual – your
forefathers, those that prayed for you, that sowed. I'm talking about
America, that which was labored for. Many evil humanists have stopped
those wells up and said, "We don't want this to happen; we don't want
righteousness." If some of them had their own way, they'd shut down
every church in this country. Hear what I'm saying. What is ours by
inheritance, which our forefathers dug for us, for this nation, that
they've tried to stop up and whoever takes occupation says, "It belongs
to us; we can stop it up if we want, even if by right it is yours." "This is not going to happen," says the Spirit of God. "These wells that were given to you, America, by your forefathers – wells of righteousness, wells of liberty – that were given to you and now they are stopping up and saying, 'They may be yours by inheritance, but they're ours because we have rulership and occupation.'" God says, "This will not happen, for a new well shall be dug by a new generation." That's powerful just that alone.
I hope you're hearing me, everybody. God has big plans for this nation and the whole world is looking at America. Don't tell me they're not. The whole world is looking, and they're looking at the economy and they're laughing at us saying, "These people don't know what they're doing." Well, that's changing.
I felt the Spirit come upon me to say this and I think you understand what I'm saying. What did our forefathers do? They dug these wells of salvation and deliverance and righteousness so we could be Christian people, a Christian nation...(Kim reads on how the Lord spoke to Isaac and said to not fear and He would multiply his descendants).
Don't take this lightly, America. He speaks to Isaac and says, "I am going to multiply you, do not fear." Do not fear. God says, "Do not fear."
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Email: hope@kimclement.com
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