Saturday, September 20, 2008

The confession of St Patrick reads like a 21st century radical pentecostal

I admire the Catholic Church. Not for it's religion. For it's heritage. Part of which is the heritage.

I have said that in many ways when it comes to signs, wonders, miracles, visions, revelations and angelic visitations I have much more in common with Catholics than most main line denominations.

Read the confession of St. Patrick. It is stirring and reminds us all of the power of the supernatural. We need it again. Come Lord Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

St. Patrick (a Catholic, mentions God, Christ, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Trinity, but there is no mention of 'Marian worship' or 'praying to Mary,' the mother of "Jesus," in his confession.

From one who has been steeped in Catholicism from birth well through adulthood, I think the Catholics should stop their 'praying to Mary' (and praying directly to the saints for help and intercession) paganism.