Thursday, March 12, 2015

Robert Blackburn "When The Dark One Hides" . . .

 A Friend of about my age tells this story from his past.  He is talking about light and dark, exposure and discernment.  This thing is real.. I just posted that it is happening on a national scale.. this is what that looks like.

Some years back now, I was invited to visit a smaller church in a rural community for a revival service. There were about a hundred people there. The service had already started and the people were standing and singing. I stepped in close to the back on the right side, next to the aisle. I was kinda glancing around at the group to see who all was there; like we would normally do. Everything appeared normal.

About three rows from the front, on the left side, next to the aisle, stood a man of about average build; probably middle aged. All of a sudden, he appeared to turn and look back at me; but, his head rotated in almost a 180 degree angle. What stared at me, was the head and face of a wolf; the eyes were black. That thing spoke to me, and said; "I know who you are. I am not afraid of you. I am protected here." The service went on as usual, but I could sense that there was no move of the Spirit there; it was like it all was flat somehow. I left sometime later, after the preaching had begun.

Why am I telling this; the Spirit has a message. Jesus saw demons in so many people; they cried out when He came around; He cast them out. He sent the disciples out, and they did the same thing. The apostles continued the same spiritual practice; and so did we, in the early days of the church here. So, ask yourself, why did we stop seeing them in our services as we once did. Did Christ say, the time would come when it was no longer of any necessity. Over time, something changed. Did the enemy stop coming to church anymore. No, he started hiding in among us. How could he do that.

When we suppress the manifestation of all of the gifts of the Spirit in their totality, and do not allow the ministries that God set in the Church, to function fully as He meant, we suppress discernment. The scripture says, that those who are full of the Spirit, can discern both good, and bad. But they grow in that, by using this discernment and STAYING full of the Spirit. Praying in the Spirit, fasting and studying God's Word and intently following the leading of the Holy Ghost, produces a true Spiritual awareness in us.

Why do we think, that God put the gift of discerning of spirits, in the church to begin with. The dark ones learned, that they could do more damage and prevent a move of the Spirit, by remaining silent; doing their work under cover. A watered down spiritual ability, and all of the other works of men that we see today, causes spiritual blindness, and a sense of lull and ease. There is a rude awakening coming. Satan's time is short. The church will see again, what the early church saw. Darkness, no longer fears exposure.

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